Essays on Apple

Apple Vs. Samsung: Comparative Analysis

Apple Background: – Apple is one of the most famous multinational corporations. Apple has a big reputation in everywhere and its name is as a brand. Apple’s background is interesting, and it includes the foundation history of Apple and how it was named as Apple. Well, The Apple company was started on April 1, 1976,...
871 Words 2 Pages

The Apple Watch Series 2 And Its Impact

Emerging Technologies Apple has been quick to adopt new technologies. The Apple Watch Series 2, for example, introduced built-in GPS which meant owners no longer needed to pair their iPhone with their Apple Watch to get location data. The Apple Watch Series 3 (2017) added a cellular option enabling the Watch to connect to its...
429 Words 1 Page

Empathy: Case Study of Apple and Airbnb

Introduction Empathy has been widely mentioned in recent years in the world of design. In this Internet information age, empathy has become especially important, and sometimes considered to be the key to allowing design to satisfy the demands of users (Chapman, 2015). Empathy is commonly used in the design industry through the adoption of user...
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