Essays on Arranged Marriage

Late Marriage Effect

People tend to give respect to married people than those that are not. Married people are seen and treated as responsible people while the unmarried adults are viewed as either unserious or as having some problems. It is generally believed that it is abnormal for a man or a woman to still be single at...
2771 Words 6 Pages

Basics Of Marriage In Mongolia

As described by Jankowiak and Beierle (2006), the Monggols were a nomadic pastoral culture group of Mongolia in Central Asia, found in between Russia and China. Mongolians participate in a group oriented culture structure and live in units, called Clans, which can be of varying sizes and are placed in different parts of Mongolia. Clans...
678 Words 1 Page

Transnational Marriage

Apart from arranged vs. love marriage practices, I would also like to discuss about transnational marriage, commonly known as international marriage, which refers to marriage between Singaporeans and foreigners (non-residents). According to a news article published by Channel NewsAsia, transnational marriages are considered to be “as resilient” as local marriages (marriages between citizens) despite facing...
504 Words 1 Page

Girls Not Brides: The Prevalence And Reproductive Outcomes Of Child Marriage In Sierra Leone

Abstract: This article analyzes the relationship between child marriage and reproductive outcomes by regressing going through a caesarean section on people of different age groups and other demographic characteristics. This was facilitated by data from the Multiply indicator cluster survey 2017. The linear regression model indicated that girls who marry early have a higher probability...
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