Arthritis: Symptoms And Treatment

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Arthritis affects not only older people, and sometimes children. People have to work and live, constantly overcoming pain. Depending on the form, stage of the disease, various methods are prescribed, including physiotherapy, the use of medications, ointments, the use of injections, physical therapy exercises and other modern means.

This disease is accompanied by joint pain caused by inflammation of their tissues. The main symptoms of arthritis include stiffness, especially in the morning or after a long stationary position, which is explained by the fact that edema develops during this time. Also, strong sensitivity and pain when touching, aching or sharp pain at rest or during movement, limitation of mobility in the joint. During inflammatory processes, temperature often rises, sweating, chills, weight loss, weakness, headache occur. The main symptoms are accompanied by other manifestations associated with the cause of the disease.

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In inflammatory processes, temperature often rises, sweating, chills, weight loss, weakness, headache occur. The main symptoms are accompanied by other manifestations associated with the cause of the disease.

To avoid a long and not painless treatment, including injections and other procedures, the prevention of arthritis at a young age is important. It includes proper nutrition – a balanced diet in which there are polyunsaturated fatty acids, calcium, vegetables, fruits. It is necessary to exclude fats of animal origin, which are a source of cholesterol. It has been proven that Omega-3 helps to reduce the unpleasant manifestations of arthritis. Reducing the consumption of sugar, easily digestible carbohydrates, abandon sugary carbonated drinks. Tracking weight so as not to accelerate the wear of joints. Sports exercises – exercises aimed at strengthening the “muscle corset”, allow reduce the load on the joints. Care for the joints – try not to overstrain them, and if you need to increase weight, then monitor the correct position of the spine and evenly distribute the load. and alcohol, which destructively affect the condition of the joints, to which, due to problems with the vessels, nutrients in the right amount do not flow.

Anti-inflammatory drug therapy is intended only to relieve symptoms and slow down progression, but does not help cleanse dead cells from the joint and its nutrition. Such drugs do not exist today.


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