Essays on Authors

Wilfred Owen Counter-argument To Patriotic Ideology

It is the view of Marxist criticism that literary texts either support or subvert the existing economic and social systems. Wilfred Owen uses his war poetry to subvert and criticise the air of patriotic ideology ingrained in culture during the First World War, where patriotic propaganda was vital in the indoctrination and recruitment of young...
2002 Words 4 Pages

Wilfred Owen: Techniques Used In Poetry

Wilfred Owen’s writes an intensely intimidating poem that consist of various techniques. The Latin title is translated, “it is sweet and proper to die for one’s country.” Ironically ‘mori’ in means death, implying predictable finish for the soldiers. Reflecting the rich, suggests Owen’s target audience are well educated. He portrays war as a degrading experience...
1808 Words 4 Pages

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois: Social Position And Political Views

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois was a Black American sociologist who prioritised the matter of race and racism unlike other traditional sociologists during and prior to his time. Dubois focused on the ‘double consciousness’; what it meant to be black and American and the experiences of black Americans. Du Bois’ theories of oppression on not...
1562 Words 3 Pages

Famous Writers

  Britain has produced more famous writers, with its rich literary heritage, than any other country. The literary tradition dates back more than a thousand years and has played a major role in influencing the production of English literature on the international scene, as well as other literary styles. Great Britain is home to some...
3002 Words 7 Pages

The Relevance Of William Shakespeare's Writes

William Shakespeare was considered the greatest playwright during his time. In his plays, he combined the elements people of his time loved and that they love today. So many factors influenced Shakespeare’s playwriting. William Shakespeare’s interesting life greatly affected his writing skills and made his plays so great. He was born on April 23, 1564,...
753 Words 2 Pages

The Portrayal Of Women In Poe's Poems And Short Stories

American writer Edgar Allan Poe is one of the world’s greatest crime and horror authors. His tormented stories reflect his tormented life. Poe created some of the most distinctive female characters in the history of fiction. According to him “the most melancholic and poetical topic in the world is the death of a beautiful woman....

Anne Frank: Live During The Holocaust

Imagine this, the year is 1941, and you are a Jewish child living in Germany, outside the sun is shining and you think is going to be a great day. You decide to go socialize with your friends only to see them be taken away by police in dark uniforms. The situation is terrifying and...
776 Words 2 Pages

Maya Angelou: The Woman With Endless Heart

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude”. Maya truly lived by this quote. Despite the challenges during her childhood, she still rose above and took control over the life she wanted to live. Her bravery and desire to make a difference is what make her poetry so...
798 Words 2 Pages

William Faulkner's Life Within Oxford, Ms

For this research paper, the topic that was chosen is to relate William Faulkner’s writings to his life within Oxford, MS. The main story that will be discussed is “Ambuscade” by William Faulkner. There will also be five more sources to look back at in this paper in order to back up how William Faulkner...
742 Words 2 Pages
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