Big Five Personality Traits And Its Impacts In The Workplace

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How come that individuals react in a different way to the same exact situations? In modern psychology, it is said to be five distinct personality traits that define the human’s approach to comprehend occurrences and events. In that way, separate people differences in the way they react or choose to handle a situation. This research report looks closer to the Big Five personality theory and its impact in the workspace.

Big Five Personality Traits

The Big Five personality characteristics is the representation for understanding the correlation linking personal and academic behaviors. The five-factor idea is believed by several independent sets of researchers. Confirmation of this method has continued to grow during several years, starting with the examination of D. W. Fiske (1949). Which later got extended through other researchers, along with Norman (1967), Smith (1967), Goldberg (1981), and McCrae & Costa (1987). The researchers applied the analysis of verbal descriptors of individual behavior. They started by analyzing correlations among a significant number of verbal descriptors associated with personal attributes. They decreased the accounts of the descriptors by five to tenfold after that the researchers applied factor analysis to the group with the remaining characteristics. They got the most of their material from people’s evaluations, questionnaires, and peer ratings to determine the underlying determinants of personality traits. Every of the Big Five characteristically attributes include neuroticism that represents the personality traits in the form of sensitive/nervous and secure/confident. Extraversion that represents the personality traits in the form of outgoing/energetic and solitary/reserved. Openness to Experience that represents the personality traits in the form of inventive/curious and consistent/cautious. Conscientiousness that represents the personality traits in the form of efficient/organized and easy-going/careless. The last one is agreeableness that represents the personality traits in the form of friendly/compassionate and challenging/detached.

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Neuroticism tends to cope badly with anxiety and to encounter contrary concerns such as fear, sadness, and anger. This sometimes-described emotional instability, or it is the opposite and associate with emotional stability.

Sensitive and nervous

The people with the personality traits of neuroticism to encounter negative feelings, such as irritation, stress, or depression. According to Eysenck’s (1967) ideas of personality traits, neuroticism is connected with a low tolerance level for stress. Neuroticism is a typical distress trait that has been studied in temperament research for decades. People that get a high score in neuroticism are emotionally responsive and exposed to stress. They also have a tendency to be disrespectful when they show emotion. People are more inclined to illustrate normal circumstances as endangering and lesser difficulties as impossibly hard. Their negative emotional feelings have a tendency to continue for a long time, which results in them often being in a bad mood. For example, neuroticism is correlated to a negative feeling for work, believe that work hinders personal relationships, and apparent stress linked with work.

Moreover, the people that get a high score on neuroticism may expose more skin-conductance reactiveness than the people that gets a low score on neuroticism (Reynaud & El Khoury-Malhame & Rossier & Blin, Khalfa, 2012). The obstacles in emotional control can reduce the ability of a person to think, make a judgment, and cope with stress. Missing satisfaction in life accomplishments can be connected with a high neuroticism score and enhance their possibility of slipping into depression. Furthermore, people with high scores in neuroticism has a tendency to experience more unhappy life occurrences. However, neuroticism can as well change into a response to positive and negative life experiences. Individuals with more substantial levels of neuroticism have a tendency to have more unsatisfactory mental well-being (Dwan & Ownsworth, 2017).

Secure and confident

On the other hand, people that get a low score on neuroticism are not as likely to get easily upset and are not as emotionally responsive. The individuals that score low tend to be confident, emotionally steady, and not affected by long-lasting negative emotions. However, not feeling as negative emotions comparison to the high scorers does not imply that low scorers feel an overwhelming of positive emotions. (Dolan, 2007)



Extraversion tends to meet the people in their surroundings with vigor and eagerness.

Extraversion is identified as a trait in which an individual has a tendency to have massive levels of positive influence. The characteristics are acknowledgeable by clear commitment to the outer world. People that score high extraversion like to interact with other people and are often recognized to have a lot of energy. Extraverted individuals have a tendency to be passionate and action oriented. People are like to be visible and to speak. They can seem more assertive in social surroundings, in contrary to introverted individuals in the same context.


Introverts has a more moderate social commitment and energy levels comparison to extraverts. Introverted individuals tend to look quiet, subtle, careful, and less engaged in the surroundings. The introverts have a tendency to not seem as engaged in social situations. However, these traits should not be thought of as apprehension or sadness; but as that they are more individualistic in their surroundings than extraverts. They do not require as much stimulation extraverts and feel more comfortable having alone time than extraverts. Introverts should not be considered rude or not social, but as, that they simply are shyer in social events (Rothmann & Coetzer, 2003).

Openness to experience

Openness to experience tends to be open-minded, sincere, and involved in emotional, mental, and physiological activities. Openness to experience usually have a love for art, feeling, experience, new opinions, creativity, curiosity, and different type of experience. Individuals that are open to experience are intellectually curious, free to emotion, and have a willingness to try new ideas. People that score high on openness to experience have a tendency to be more imaginative and more conscious of their own and others’ emotions. Individuals who are open to experience have a higher likely hood to hold unique views. They could be perceived as unpredictable or to have an absence of focus. They have a higher possibility of getting caught in dangerous behavior or doing drugs. Furthermore, people that have scored high in openness to experience are said to strive for self-actualization, especially by soliciting out strong, euphoric events. Contradictory, people with a low score on openness to experience attempt to achieve accomplishment through determination and are identified as logical and information driven. They can also be seen as arrogant and small-minded.


Agreeableness tends to be considerate and compassionate to others and enthusiastic to assist them. The agreeableness personality characteristics display personal distinctions in common interest for group harmony. People that score high in agreeable appreciate the worth of getting along with other people. (Bartneck & Van der Hoek & Mubin & Al Mahmud, 2007). Agreeable individuals are usually attentive, nice, generous, confident, dependable, considerate, and prepared to jeopardize their own interests for others. They also have a positive view of other people.


Due to agreeableness is a personality trait, analysis has confirmed that peoples agreeableness positively connects with the relations with their group members. They also have good anticipate leadership skills in a research study, with 169 people involved in the study. The leadership transformational professions in a mixture of occupations, people were questioned to do a personality test. They then had 2 valuations concluded by managed assistants. Managers that scored high points of agreeableness were more inclined to be viewed at transformational rather than transactional managing job. Even though the relationship was not particularly strong; it had the strongest out of all of the personality traits.


Disagreeable people put their own interests before getting along with other people. Disagreeable individuals are often careless with others’ feelings and are not likely to do any favors for other people. They do even have a trait of doubt about others’ causes of doing something which could lead them to be suspicious, rude, and persevere. Individuals that score a low on agreeableness traits are often competitive. This leads to that people could perceive them as deceitful or unreliable.


Conscientiousness tends to approach tasks in an organized and well thought out way. They tend to be dependable and self-disciplined. Conscientiousness tends to demonstrate self-control, act accurately, and aim for accomplishment toward dimensions or way over expectations. It is correlated with how people handle, control, and manage their drives. Individuals that score high level in conscientiousness are often looked upon as headstrong and focused. People that score a low level of conscientiousness are linked with adaptability and spontaneity. However, people with low conscientiousness could also seem as sloppy and lack trustworthiness. People with a high level of conscientiousness symbolize a preference for thoughtful than impulsive behavior. The median level of conscientiousness increases amongst youthful adults and then decreases amongst older adults. 


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