Essays on Biotechnology

Biotechnology: Our Biological Understanding Of A Sustainable Future

Biotechnology is the implementation of living organisms or biological processes which is done to accommodate certain purposes. The methods of biotechnology largely rely on the understanding of DNA replication, translation and transcription. For 10 000 years, humans have used these methods to create products, which have now constructed the fundamental change of society, from ‘hunting...
947 Words 2 Pages

Biotechnology: Essence Of The Concept, Advantages And Disadvantages

When we hear the word “Biotechnology, the first thing to strike our mind is Dolly, the cloned sheep or gene therapy, but biotechnology is a far broader aspect of science these days. In simple words, can be described as manufacturing products or processes useful to humans with the help of living organisms or components of...
1222 Words 3 Pages

Biotechnology: The Concept Of Cloning

What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology from the dictionary is the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms to produce antibiotics, hormones, etc. Simply, biotechnology is technology based on biology. Biotechnology harnesses cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve our lives and the health...
862 Words 2 Pages
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