Essays on Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder Group Therapy

Overview Group The group that will be looked at in this paper will be African American Men with Bipolar disorder (BD). This group will be closed and voluntary. A closed group is essential because members will not have to have new members come and interrupt the progress they have already made. Having a closed group...
2707 Words 6 Pages

Bipolar Disorder: Definition And Treatment

Bipolar Disorder is when the brain goes through phases where someone may feel very energetic at one moment then all of a sudden feel very sad or depressed. People that have bipolar disorder have frequent mood changes which can not only harm themselves, because they can have suicidal thoughts and become depressed, but others. Not...
442 Words 1 Page

Bipolar Disorder: Kurt Cobain’s Case

Bipolar II disorder is a variation of bipolar spectrum disorder; a neurological disease that causes symptoms such as mood swings, anxiety, deep sadness, euphoria, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, or loss of interest or pleasure in activities. Bipolar disorder is one of the most distinct syndromes in psychiatry and has been described in numerous cultures over...
1282 Words 3 Pages
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