Birth Control: Methods To Prevent Pregnancy

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There comes a time where every woman starts becoming sexually active, they have to think about ways they can prevent pregnancy. Most females opt-in for birth control, however, there are multiple methods used to prevent pregnancy. Each method has its own pros and cons, yet it is up to the woman to choose which method would be best for them. Along with preventing pregnancy, birth control also allows the woman to make a decision on if she wants a child or not. Yet, females aren’t the only ones who can use a birth control method men can also take a pill. Yet, this pill has to go through tests to prove if it actually has an effect, formerly there were only two ways for men to prevent pregnancy the condom or a vasectomy. One is a temporary option and the other is a permanent option. The choice most men would choose would be a condom seeing as the vasectomy can be a stressful thing to think about. Yet, in all reality, the thought of being on some sort of birth control can be scary for both genders. These are the most common methods used by females to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

The pill sounds like something out of a movie, yet one pill once a day can prevent pregnancy. The pill is 91% effective and can cost up to 50$, it has to be taken daily for it to be effective. The pill works by stopping the sperm from fertilizing the egg, the hormones in the pill stop ovulation (when an ovary releases an egg). Females often get pregnant when they forget to take their daily pill, this is a problem for those who are prone to forgetting to take it. There are ways to remember to take the pill, set alarms, have daily reminders, or have someone remind you to take it. The pill is great at preventing pregnancy, however, you can still contract STDs. Taking other medications while also taking the pill can reduce the effectiveness, however, if you take the pill perfectly (meaning daily without missing a single day) the pill will be 99% effective. There are negative aspects to taking the pill, the hormones in the pill can increase your level of sexual desire, along with inconsistent periods.

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If you are very forgetful then the pill isn’t a good choice for you, however, there are two low maintenance options. You can get a birth control implant which is the size of a match, this implant sends out hormones that can prevent pregnancy. The implant is inserted into the arm and can protect you from pregnancy up to 5 years. It’s a one and done thing, once you get the implant you can forget about it and be as sexually active as you please. The implant thickens the mucus on your cervix to prevent the sperm from swimming to the egg. Along with the pill, the implant does not prevent STDs, however, the implant is one of the most effective forms of birth control with a 99% effective rating. The fact that it’s a one a done deal makes it one of the best forms of prevention since you cannot possibly forget to take it or use it wrong. However, you will only be protected right away if you get Nexplanon (the implant) within the first 5 days of your period. The implant is safe, however, like most medications, there can be negative side effects, if you have breast cancer it is not advised to get the implant. Getting the implant has risks like scars developing where the implant was inserted along with infection of the implant site. Along with the pill, the implant can also cause inconsistent periods, along with weight gain, nausea, and Ovarian cysts yet, most people adjust to the side effects within a few months.

Another low maintenance birth control is an IUD (Intrauterine Device) which by the name is inserted into the uterus. The small flexible T shaped device has 5 different brands (Paragard, Mirena, Kyleena, Liletta, and Skyla) yet they are divided into two types, the copper IUDs, and the hormonal IUDs. The copper IUDs don’t release hormones, but it’s covered in copper and can prevent pregnancy up to 12 years making it a likable choice if you want a long term, low maintenance form of protection. However, hormonal IUDs can prevent pregnancy up to 7 years so the choice is up to the female. Both of the IUDs prevent pregnancy by changing the way the sperm cells move blocking them from getting to the egg. More than 99% effective the IUDs are another option if you want a low maintenance long term prevention method. IUDs are convenient, effective, and when the IUD is out you can get pregnant so it allows you to make the choice on whether you want kids or not. Hormonal IUDs can improve your menstrual cycle by cutting down the cramps and can make your period lighter. Yet, the IUDs have their own disadvantages like having heavier periods and more intense cramps, however, those negative effects usually go away within 3-5 months and like the other two prevention methods the IUD does not prevent STDs.

Like the men, a woman can decide if she wants to completely cut out the idea of having a kid by getting an operation done to permanently prevent pregnancy. The men have what’s called a vasectomy, while the women have an operation called tubal ligation also known as getting their tubes tied. It’s a safe and very effective means of preventing pregnancy that permanently closes the woman’s fallopian tubes, with this being the case the sperm cells cannot reach the egg. Yet, there are many questions you have to ask yourself before you get the operation done and you should talk to your doctor to find out if this operation is right for you. The operation is one of the most effective ways of prevention seeing as the sperm cells will have no path to fertilize the egg. As said with the other prevention methods this operation does not prevent you from contracting an STD. The operation is safe, however, like most operations, there is some obvious discomfort that should be expected. Once the operation is done there is no going back, so you have to make sure that this is 100% what you want which can put stress on any female.

Each one of these prevention methods has its pros and cons yet you have to make the decision on whether you want something permanent or something that will last long term but isn’t permanent. Talk to your doctor to find which option is best for you or have your partner use a condom. Pay attention to what they teach you in health class because it can really impact your life and prevent you from getting an unwanted pregnancy. However, if events were to happen there are other ways to deal with the situation. Many people that get an unwanted pregnancy usually think about abortion which is an immoral act. It is advised to look at putting the child up for adoption, save a life and think about the child while also thinking about your own health. It’s a tough topic but things like this can happen and you gotta be ready to take action whether it’s for your best interest or the babies. Think before you have sex one silly mistake can “ruin” your life.


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