Essays on Body Language

7 Body Language Mistakes You Make At Work

Communication at work is very important for any professional. The way you relate to your colleagues, your customers or even your bosses will determine the development of your work and also the comfort you can feel in your day to day. When talking about communication at work everyone comes to mind a conversation, a meeting...
544 Words 1 Page

Attractive Body Language: 6 Body Gestures

Does it cost you to attract people and you can not get them to notice you? Most likely your body is sending inadequate signals. In this video I show you 6 keys of attractive body language, to improve your charisma, gain influence and boost your self-confidence in the process. The History of Body Language in...
888 Words 2 Pages

The Body Speaks: The Importance Of Body Language In Business

Gestures made with hands, posture, smile, attentive eyes. Many times, people do not perceive this, but body language traits are responsible for much of a person’s communication, an essential skill to succeed in business. The body speaks and, if you never paid attention to this, maybe it’s time to start. Observing the body language of...
785 Words 2 Pages
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