Essays on Book

Crime And Punishment: Comparison Of Guilt And Punishment

Guilt is an emotion that is felt by everyone at least once in their life. By definition guilt is an emotion felt during a failure or when a person does something morally wrong. This definition also states that guilt allows a person to make amends and to find ways to avoid repeating that same transgression....
1126 Words 2 Pages

The Decameron: Authors Experience During The Black Plague

The plague, also known as the Black Death was a major pandemic that ravaged Europe and parts of Asia during the mid-fourteenth century, from 1347 until 1351. This disease was characterized by extreme weakness, bleeding profusely, shock, skin turning black (which is where it got its name) and eventually death. It was mainly spread by...
1168 Words 3 Pages

The Role Transformation Plays In Gothic Stories

Transformation is a change that helps scary stories scare us. Alicia dying (para. 5) in “The Feather Pillow”, Roderick mentally deteriorating (para. 9) in “Fall of the House of Usher”, and the house devolving (para. 38) in “Where is Here” are three different types of transformations. There is a change in life, a change in...

The World Is Flat: Book Review

After reading this book there were several things that I changed my mind on and well as many things that I did not know and know. I thought all the chapters were very interesting so I am going to breakup this report through chapter, to talk about the impact each chapter individually had on me....
1303 Words 3 Pages

The Disturbing Beauty Of Lolita

Many authors have acclaimed the 1955 novel, Lolita, written by Russian-American novelist Vladimir Nabokov as “the greatest work of the 20th century.” Undoubtedly, it has received challenges against whether it is appropriate. Banned in almost every country, it is one of the most controversial novels of the 20th century. The novel even received raised eyebrows...
614 Words 1 Page

The Kite Runner: Revealing Of Violence

Most people around the world believe “The Kite Runner”, describes violence and this is one of the most important themes of the novel. Author, Khaled Hossein shows us “The Kite Runner” involves violence. He has demonstrated the violence by raping children, massacring Hazaras, and stoning adulterers as well. To begin, the violence is demonstrated when...
651 Words 1 Page

Bhagavad Gita: The Importance Of Sacrifice

Both Krishna in Bhagavad Gita and Confucius in Analects emphasize the importance of sacrifice. Sacrifice is a very stretchable concept, so everyone perceives it in their own way. This essay will try to reveal the true meaning of sacrifices in Confucianism and Hinduism. Moreover, I will try to make some important points about how similar...
1234 Words 3 Pages

Beloved: Denver Character Analysis

“I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved. Romans 9: 25” (Morrison 2).  In 1987, Noble Prize winner Toni Morrison wrote the novel “Beloved”, which told of a profound and shattering story that carries the weight of history. In his novel, Morrison used characters that...
1774 Words 4 Pages

A Thousand Splendid Suns: The Theme Of Woman Discrimination

Middle Eastern women are still the centre of discrimination due to excessive male patriotism. In a nation overflowed with violence, terrorism, and war, women emitionally struggle to maintain hope as they are constantly subjected to persecution in their own homes. In the novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns Khaled Hosseini depicts the lives of very different...
1113 Words 2 Pages

The Poisonwood Bible: Characters Analysis

Although being twins, Leah and Adah have very different attitudes and perspectives. Adah, being the twin with a disability, doesn’t speak often to others but her thoughts reveal a lot about her attitude. She is very open minded compared to her other sisters and isn’t judgemental. She is always calm and doesn’t care to be...
958 Words 2 Pages

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