Essays on Cheating

Cheating In School: Reasons And Consequences

The desire of every student is to achieve good results in school. However, the passion for good results in schools has pushed most students beyond the borders of integrity (Velliaris, 2016). Several students are openly engaging in exam cheating to score highly. The behaviour of cheating in schools is against school rules, guidelines, and core...
1374 Words 3 Pages

The Causes Behind Cheating

Cheating is ridiculously easy, especially with all the technology at hand, and around 95% of kids admitted to cheating at some point in their lives. There is a plethora of influences that encourage cheating; rapidly increasing social pressures, the lack of passion for a subject, the advantages of academic dishonesty, and even the way school...
551 Words 1 Page

Cheating Online Versus Face-to-face

Initially, it would seem that it’s relatively easier to cheat online versus face-to-face classes given the innate absence of physical environmental conditions in a virtual online setting. From a purely environmental perspective, for example, there’s the lack of physical presence of professors with no set of eyes directly watching over one’s every move and the...
864 Words 2 Pages

Ethics And Moral Values In Higher Education

ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to discuss ethical values in higher education, focusing on the Reasons for and the Effects of Ethical Challenges in Higher Education. Like pressure, finance, privatization, technology. Ethics in Higher Education When most people think about ethics they think of how actions are determined to be either right or...
1516 Words 3 Pages

Cheating: He Is Most Cheated Who Cheats Himself

What is Cheating? Cheating is a word which means the act of gaining something not by your own but by depending on the others. People cheat because they have some needs that are not fulfilled, and they want to entertain them with those pleasures. Cheating are the unethical ways that are embraced to accomplish an...
1537 Words 3 Pages

The Consequences Of Cheating

Cheating might be one of the most detrimental and common behaviours within humanity (Cavico and Mujtaba, 2009). According to Goh (2012), cheating has become one of the aspects of greater attention in higher education due to the reasons for its occurrence and its consequences. With the purpose that the reader can understand better this topic,...
1216 Words 3 Pages

Cheating: Why Students Cheat

The reason behind why school cheating might be significant is a result of the speculated connection between such conduct in the behavior in academia and consequent unethical behavior in the work environment(Lathrop,A.,&Foss, K. 2000). Various investigations have discovered a solid connection between ‘cheating “at school and “unethical behavior’ at work. For instance, found a high...
391 Words 1 Page
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