Essays on Child Development

Early Childhood Analysis: Stages And Their Comparison

INTRODUCTION My observation took me and my spouse to a playground in one of the elementary schools in Doraville where my daughter goes to a school called Embry Hills Preschool & Kindergarten. My spouse was pretty much there to stop my daughter from interfering with my research. After observing all the participants for about five...
1396 Words 3 Pages

Pets Positively Benefit Child Development

For over 15,000 years across the globe, humans have been domesticating animals as pets (American Museum of Natural History). Domesticated animals have been used for a large number of purposes, such as hunting, entertainment, protection, and long-lasting companionship. Not only are pets beneficial for adults — they can positively impact children in a multitude of...
2103 Words 5 Pages

Education And Macro Psychology

“Education for all” slogan is echo loudly since few decades after independence in India. Constitution of India has provision to provide free and compulsory education of all children in the age group of six to fourteen years as a Fundamental Right. Ground reality is that “children’s voices and experiences do not find expression in the...
816 Words 2 Pages

Child Development: Learning in Adolescence

“Is adolescence a myth or a reality?” “Adolescence” is widely recognized by scholars as a socially and culturally constructed period of the life course. UN defines adolescence as the period of age group between 10-19 years. In India, there are about 243 million adolescents. According to the Institute of Applied Manpower Research 2000, there are...
1759 Words 4 Pages

Case Of Child Observation: Four-year-old Boy

For the child that I observed he was a four-year-old little boy. I observed him in my home while he was doing a few different things in his normal environment. His options on what things he could were limited since the day before I did the observation, he got in trouble for punching another kid...

Commentary On An Observation Of A Focus Child

There are many different learning theories and concepts that begin to unravel the complicated and lengthy process of how children develop. These theories help to paint a detailed picture on how children develop socially, behaviourally, linguistically and cognitively. They also dive into the world of physical and communicative development. All of these combined allow for...
1804 Words 4 Pages

Child Development: Observation Of Siblings

When observing children, the observer can gain a perspective of children in their natural environment. One can witness certain behaviours, personality traits, and their interaction with others. Observing children can benefit one’s skills when working with children because it contributes to experience and one can become familiar with a child’s wants and needs; socially and...
1263 Words 3 Pages

Child Educational Psychology And Social Development

Educational psychology includes the investigation of how individuals master, including themes, for example, student results, the instructional procedure, singular contrasts in learning, skilled students, and learning handicaps. Psychologists who work in this field are keen on how individuals learn and hold new data. Social development refers to the drawn out changes seeing someone and associations...
830 Words 2 Pages

Child Observation In: Emily’s Case

Within the UK Child and family social workers have a statutory duty under the Children Act (1989) to promote the welfare of all children (section 17) and protect children from significant harm (section 47). Harm is defined within the Children Act (1989), means ill-treatment or the impairment of health or development (section 31). Therefore, for...

Nature Vs. Nurture Of Childhood Attachment

Introduction This report highlights the results of several studies carried out on the topic of the nature vs nurture effect of childhood attachment in the first subsection and ADHD in the second subsection. It covers a critical review of generalities as well as the limitations of the studies and recommendations for further inquiry to achieve...
935 Words 2 Pages
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