Child Observation: Comprehensive Child Report On Sham (4 Years 5-month-old Girl)

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Comprehensive Child Report

Sham is 4years 5-month-old girl who lives with her mother, father, brother, and sister. Parent’s description of sham temperament, interests, and strengths as a feisty little girl, very talkative, Strong leadership, and mature than her age. She likes to dress-up, paint her nails, and use hair extension, like a princess. Her favorite colors are pink and purple. Sham was born in Canada, but his parents immigrated to Canada from Palestine 20 years ago. The family lives in a house, her mother is staying at home with her children. Sham’s father owns a construction company and leaves for work very early in the morning. The family speaks mostly Arabic at home although both parents speak fluent English. The family has no other relatives in Canada, but they travel back home each year during summer break to visit their family and to attend special occasions, sham was very excited when she attended her uncle’s wedding last summer. Also, they seem to have made strong connections with the Arabic community in their neighborhood. (parent interview, 2020).

Shams’ showed her strengths and accomplishments when she was drawing a painting, she was organized, focused, depended and proud of her painting. In the work sample, 7 Sham was organized when she set the table and sleeved-up before painting to avoid any stain on her clothing. She was focused when she was drawing the circle, she wants it to be a perfect circle as she mentioned during the observation. Sham was dependent when she ran out of paint, her mother said I can help you to add more paint, she said no, I can do it by myself. When she finished her painting, she was proud of the result, she lifted the paper and said look at my painting with a big smile on her face ( work sample 7, 2020). This learning experience can be linked to Gardner’s theory he saw the arts and creativity as playing major roles in children’s learning. Children can explore many cognitive concepts through their play and creative exploration.

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Shams’ attachments and relationships with her mother display many signs of good relationships and secure attachment during the observation. In the work sample, 5 Sham was very comfortable communicating when her mother asked her questions. Sham s’ mother asked her” What are you making?”. Sham replied “I am making a red pie! You will see when I am done!”. Sham s’ mother asked her “Can I try your pie?” Sham replied “No! you need to wait; it is not ready yet. I need to bake the pie in the oven, then you can try my pie!” (work sample 5, 2020). Bowlby defined attachment as a ‘lasting psychological connectedness between human beings. Children with a secure attachment can see their caretaker as a secure base from which to venture out and explore the world. They feel they can move freely, but that they can always come back to the parent to feel safe.

Shams’ temperament style is difficult, as her mother described her during the parent’s interview. She is a feisty girl, tough, independent, and spirited, and she wants to be the leader in any activity. An example her mother given during the interview that sham usually has a difficult time getting along with other children of her age, because she is bossy, and she doesn’t give up until she gets what she wants. (parent interview, 2020). Many psychiatrists such as Thomas and Chess (1987,1991), believe there are three basic types, or clusters, of temperament: easy, difficult, and slow to warm up.

Shams’ interests and likes are to dress up like a princess, her favorite colours are pink and purple, she likes to wear make-up especially lip gloss. In work sample 8, Shams’ mother asked her, “Who are you now?” She replied, “I am a pink Princess!”. Sham chooses two rings, pink and purple. Sham took the lip gloss from the box, twisted the lid to open the lip-gloss and ran to another room in front of a mirror and she put the lip-gloss on her lips. (work sample 8, 2020). Gender schema theory suggests that children form a schema for gender at a very early age and that gender schema becomes increasingly complex as children develop (Bem, 1981).

Shams’ dispositions for learning are Curiosity and imagination, she showed her curiosity in work sample 1 when she pushed the Lego down. The Lego fell on the floor, and she said, “oh no!”. Sham gathered the Lego from the floor, and she started to build the Lego into a tower again. Sham’s seemed to enjoy the thrill of breaking and building structure. Sham used her imagination in work sample 6 when she lined up the cars and wind them up for the race. When the race started, she was clapping her hand and saying” Go! truck, Go!” (work sample 1, 6, 2020).

Shams’ physical development abilities were demonstrated during the nail polish observation, one example is her fine motor skills. In the work sample, 3 shams opened the container of the nail polish on her own and placed her left hand on the coffee table. She looked at the nail polish and started to apply on her fingernails, then she dipped the nail polish brush again into the container and apply on the rest of her fingers one by one. (work sample 3, 2020). Preschool Kindergarten (2.5 to 6 years) Physical: 5.3 Fine Motor Skills (ELECT, 2014).

Shams’ cognitive development abilities were been seeing into two cognitive domains, problem-solving and observing skills when she asked her mother to help her and was able to follow the instructions to construct a paper airplane. In the work sample, 2 shams did not know how to make a paper airplane, she gave her mother a white paper and asked her to help to make an airplane. She observed her mother step by step on how to make a paper airplane. Sham folded the paper into sharp edges the same way her mother showed her to make a paper airplane. (work sample 2, 2020) Preschool Kindergarten (2.5 to 6 years) Cognition: 4.2 Problem Solving, 4.5 Observing focusing their observation on details pg.53 (ELECT, 2014).

Shams’ social development abilities seem to be great, she is a talkative girl. She was communicating with her mother throw out the activity during the observation. In the work sample 8 Sham communicated with her mother by using a lot of sentences for security and support through her play. Sham asked her mother, “Can you take off my hair clip, I want to wear this crown”. Sham asked,” What is written on the Sash?” Mother replied “Princess!” (work sample 8, 2020). Preschool Kindergarten (2.5 to 6 years) Social: 1.9 Interacting with Adults approaching adults as sources of security and support pg. 45 (ELECT, 2014).

Shams’ emotional development abilities, she seems to have Self-concept developing responsibility for herself when she put on her jacket. In the work sample, 4 Sham showed that she knows how to dress by using the strategy to flip the coat over her head. She followed the instructions of wearing her jacket one step after another(work sample 4, 2002). Preschool Kindergarten (2.5 to 6 years) Emotional 2.1 Self-concept, developing responsibility for themselves during dressing pg. 46 (ELECT, 2014).

Shams’ development abilities Communication, Language, Literacy, she communicated during the entire play by using both English and her home language Arabic. In work sample 8 she communicated through singing a song, “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” with a big smile on her face (work sample 8, 2020) Preschool Kindergarten (2.5 to 6 years) Communication, Language, Literacy: 3.2 Using English and the Child’s Home Language entering play using both their home language and English pg. 48 and 3.10 Phonological awareness reciting nursery rhymes, poems or sing-songs pg. 50 (ELECT, 2014).

Responsive Environment Plan

As an educator is my duty to support Sham’s social and emotional development, by creating the best environment for her and believing in her as a competent child, capable of complex thinking, curious, rich in potential and experience. I would support sham by taking her passion and turn it into a learning opportunity, I will invest in creating a positive atmosphere to make her feel safe and valued.

To enhance positive interactions, first I will start by building strong and trusting relationships with sham and her parents. When we have a trusting relationship, we can engage and communicate better, they will connect with me if they trust me. I will get to know her as an individual treat her with respect and dignity, listen to her by practicing empathetic listening to improve her well-being, paying attention to her body language and nonverbal communication. By building a strong relationship with sham and her parents, I am creating a strong family-centered practice.

Some of the must-haves materials in the classroom are mats and floor cushions, puzzles and blocks, art supplies, tables and chairs, music center, dramatic play area, reading area, open-ended materials, and outdoor play items. As sham love dressing up as a princess, I will take that opportunity to expand her learning by providing materials in dramatic and book areas, like princess costumes, crowns, and books about a princess. When we provide open-ended materials and loose parts sham can experiment within a variety of different ways to come up with her unique ideas. Also, I will plan for opportunities for sham to show her leadership by organizing outdoor play in ways that promote small group interactions and play experiences, for example playing soccer or tug of war and hide and seek.

I will create a safe and welcoming environment both indoor and outdoor for sham to connect and be herself. Make the classroom inviting with the use of colour, child-friendly furniture, quiet areas, small groups, and space for creative play. Involve sham in the classroom and outdoor spaces design to meet her individual needs. I will find creative ways to support her in making independent and informed choices within the learning environment. For example, I will consider how the nature, placement, and quantity of materials in the environment might affect sham’s play, considering the intent of the learning. I believe it’s important to engage her in negotiating the organization of the materials, discuss how and where the materials might be stored so that she can access them readily. Sham is an independent girl; I will change the environment to her height so she can access her personal belongings. Also, I will put in place various kinds of support, such as photos and labels, to help her make and act on independent choices as she plays and interact in the learning environment.

Routines are important due to the fact they give young children a sense of security and control over their environment. I will make sure that the classroom has a visual schedule and we are following the routines as much as possible. When she knows the routines and what is coming next, she can move easily from one activity to another without losing learning time. It’s important to plan for these in-between times just as carefully as I plan my lessons because their a significant learning occurs in-between times. Moving from Circle Time to outdoor time is one example of a transition. Sham can be independent by putting on her boots and jacket to get ready for outdoor play. Another example at lunchtime I can eat a healthy meal to be a role model to improve sham eating habits. By observing and documenting sham during routines I will make an individual plan based on her needs.


  1. Ontario. Ministry of Education. (2014). Excerpts from “ELECT”, Early learning for every child today: A framework for Ontario early childhood settings (ELECT). Best Start Expert Panel on Early Learning. Toronto: Author.
  2. Ontario Ministry of Education. (2014). How Does Learning Happen? Ontario Pedagogy for the Early Years, Queen’s Printer.
  3. ScienceDirect. (2014). Gender Schema Theory.
  4. Aussie Childcare Network Pty Ltd. (2009-2020) Child Theorists and Their Theories in Practice. practice
  5. Early Childhood News. ( 2008) The Professional Resource for Teachers and Parents.


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