Essays on Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane And The Seven Samurais: Comparative Analysis

Citizens Kane and The Seven Samurai are films that are universally hailed as masterpieces of their era. Their superb cinematography and editing are nothing short of remarkable for the era they were created. These films were able to pave the way for generations to come with their tremendous art styles, techniques, and cinematography. Throughout this...

Citizen Kane: Plot, Narration, Cinematography And Editing

Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane is a 1941 American drama film, depicting the rise and fall of the publishing mogul, Charles Foster Kane. The film was produced with ground-breaking forms, applying the use of modern light innovations and focal methods of cinematography and the dramatizing editing style. The story centrally revolved around the mystery surrounding the...

Citizen Kane: Film Analysis

Griggs (2016) describes the canon as ‘works of individual creative genius: they are an individual expression from a specific writer’s imagination’. This means that works that enter the canon must be seen as being created by a single author and be valued for the creativity and ingenuity of the creator or the product itself. In...
656 Words 1 Page

Citizen Kane Film Response

After a very gloomy picture and music, at the beginning of the movie the newspaper industry giant Kane, who was lying on the bed, screamed and died. At the end of his life, he said the last sentence in a whispered word: rosebud. In Kane’s dying scene, the director used three shots to establish the...
896 Words 2 Pages
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