Essays on Comedy

Theories Of Comedy and What Makes Humans Laugh

It is famously known that, when you explain a joke it immediately becomes un-funny, but over the course of human history many philosophers have theorised why we laugh and what makes us find certain things funny and other jokes not so funny. The relief theory has stood out too many people and had become one...
909 Words 2 Pages

Humor In A Story Of Scaachi Koul

There is humoristic a story “From One Day We’ll All Be Dead and None of This Will Matter” written by Scaachi Koul. In this piece, the author tells us a story about her family, her personality and her fear of traveling by plane. This article was published by Anchor Canada in 2017. Sacaachi Koule is...
905 Words 2 Pages

Revealing The Meaning Of Term Comedy

Having roots in the Latin word ‘Comedia’ which means to reveal some information while singing. Well to most people the definition of comedy is a lot different. Even though the element so revelation and song may be included, they are not fundamental to every piece of comic work. In fact today comedy is a form...
568 Words 1 Page
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