Essays on Consciousness

The Concept Of Mind-Brain Consciousness

The concept of consciousness has long been considered the most challenging in human thought. How consciousness manifests in living entities is to many an almost impossible question to answer. Moreover, it has recently become a topic of concern about whether non-human entities are conscious, such as machines, or robots. This essay will discuss how an...
982 Words 2 Pages

Case Study: Consciousness-Based Medicine

John was diagnosed at the age of 45 with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). On December 2, 2016, John was rushed to the hospital with a high fever, nausea, and delirium. Emergency testing revealed a dangerously high blood glucose level and sepsis from a wound on John’s toe. While in the hospital, John thought about the...
3017 Words 7 Pages

Meaning Of Terms Cognition And Consciousness

In present day, psychology emphasizes the importance of various mental states and processes to study cognition and consciousness. Psychologists conclude that consciousness is our awareness of ourselves and our environment. They realize that some information is processed automatically, while some is processed with effort. After 1960, when psychologists took advantage of progress in neuroscience to...
2335 Words 5 Pages

Analysis Of States Of Consciousness

States of consciousness is a term used to describe the global states that are associated with the action and use of pharmacological agents, hypnosis, meditation, sleep disorders and a routine cycle of sleep. Different levels of consciousness bring along varying behaviour patterns that change with each situation. Consciousness is a term used to mean awareness....
998 Words 2 Pages

Revealing The Concept Of Class Consciousness In The Literature

 Class consciousness is a concept most readily associated with the work of Karl Marx. Marx did not specifically seek to evoke this in his work, yet class consciousness grew organically from interactions between different social categories of people. As a solely popularised Marxist term, it plays with the forces of production and the ownership of...
2228 Words 5 Pages

Cultural Consciousness: Conceptual Framework And Case Study Research

Introduction: Cultural Consciousness’s aim is to identify the uniqueness of a “Third Culture Kid” perspective, as expressed through contemporary art practices. I am attempting to understand what it means to grow up as a “ Third Culture kid”, someone who has grown up in countries and cultures other than that of my parents and my...
3976 Words 9 Pages

Social Media Influence On Brands Consciousness: Opinion Essay

Brand Consciousness Brand consciousness in our society is proliferating rapidly. “Are you brand conscious ?” If you ask about me, so, of course, I am not. Being brand conscious has become a trend now. It would not be wrong to say that a large number of people in society are following this immorality. People are...
924 Words 2 Pages

Critical Review Of Consciousness: Selective Attention And Evaluation

Selective Attention Selective attention is a process in which brain directs the awareness into relevant stimuli, while at the same time, ignoring irrelevant stimuli in the environment. Selective attention is an important process as there is a certain limit of how much information can be processed at a time, and selective attention allows the brain...
1471 Words 3 Pages

Empirical Methods For Measuring Consciousness And Its Relationship With Attention

The relationship between attention and consciousness is a topic of significance and perpetual debate. Specifically, the study of consciousness has been associated with a recent focus on the problem of measurement. Many argue that a metric for consciousness is vital for experimental design and for mapping experimental results to current theories. “Because we feel that...
3687 Words 8 Pages
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