Essays on Contract Law

Contract Law In Construction Projects

Introduction Modern day construction projects are increasingly seeing the collaboration of a large number of different professions in order to improve the speed and quality in which they are completed. Clients now tend to engage with many participants, and if there is a poor relationship between any two parties or a lack of communication, this...
1560 Words 3 Pages

Contract Law Report: Basic Principles Of Law

Contract law is about the enforcement of promises. Not all promises are legally binding. Courts look for the presence of certain elements which when present the agreement becomes a contract. A contract begins with an offer. This is an expression of willingness to contract on specified terms, made with the intention that it’ll be binding...
1167 Words 3 Pages

Traditional And Contemporary Requirements Needed To Show The Existence Of A Contractual Agreement

‘Whether or not a contractual relationship exists between the parties still boils down to an analysis of the existence of what is termed the phenomena of agreement, that is, an offer matched by corresponding acceptance, notwithstanding more recent attempts to avoid such criteria’. Discuss the traditional and contemporary requirements needed to show the existence of...
2435 Words 5 Pages

Contract Law Essay: My Individual Part

On the 25th of February, I have been given a group work task by my contract law module teacher which consisted on drafting a contract for our client Mr. Pawel Poliszak to present it to the other party. Our group was formed to complete an assignment where we have been given a relevant template on...
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Common Mistakes In Contract Law

This specific case looks at common mistakes in contract law and how they can affect contracts and more specifically the subject matter. A common mistake in simple is where both parties hold the same mistaken belief of the facts within a contract. This, therefore, leads both parties to reach an agreement however this agreement is...
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Contract Law: The Case Of Taylor V Caldwell

The nature of the law of contracts is that of, in any agreements made by the parties, unforeseen events may occur which creates an obstacle to achieving the purpose of the agreement made by the parties. A prevalent situation in the law of contracts is when the contract between two parties is formed and an...
1489 Words 3 Pages

Contract Law And Corporation Law: Analysis Of Cases

Contract Law Case 1: Introduction: A contract is an agreement that is undertaken between two or more parties under the protection of the law. The law requires the parties involved in the contract to have the same consent, bear a sound mind, be of legal age and must be qualified by the law [1]. Similarly,...
2039 Words 4 Pages

Contract Law Case Studies: Opal Projects Pty Ltd Versus Mehayla Construction Pty Ltd; Jack Hill Holdings Pty Ltd Versus Barrage Investments Pty Ltd

In 2017, Opal Projects Pty Ltd (Opal), a significant construction company, was engaged to design and construct a swim centre in the Sydney suburb of Blacktown. Mehayla Construction Pty Ltd (MC), an experienced construction company, submitted a tender of $4,000,000 on the 19th of March 2017, stating their earnestness to work on the roof structure...
2481 Words 5 Pages
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