Essays on Cure

Pathophysiology And Pharmacology Of Asthma

Patient Status  A boy named Benji Smith that is 11 years old admitted to the hospital suffering from moderate exacerbation of asthma. Asthma is an overreaction but is not an auto immune disease. Benji was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 7. He was experiencing an upper respiratory tract bacterial infection from last week with unresolved cough and breathlessness. The level of...
2075 Words 5 Pages

Vaccines: Meaning, Features, Link With Autism

Vaccines provide immunity against several diseases. Like most medical treatments, vaccinations do not come without risks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that vaccines carry the risk of causing a life-threatening allergic reaction. Although, such risks are very low, and vaccinations have been shown to be a safe way to treat the...
1905 Words 4 Pages

Role Of Vitamin E In Prevention Of Oral Cancer

Vitamin E is an umbrella term for a group of 8 fat soluble antioxidants including alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocopherol, and alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocotrienol, though alpha-tocopherol is believed to be the primary form used by the human body.1 Vitamin E prevents production of reactive oxygen species by fat oxidation and is important for...
1488 Words 3 Pages

Vitamin D: Nourishments And Use For Health

Winter has arrived as is the danger of nutrient D inadequacy and contaminations. Nutrient D — which is made in our skin following daylight introduction and furthermore found in sleek fish (mackerel, fish, and sardines), mushrooms and braced dairy and nondairy substitutes — is basic for acceptable wellbeing. People need nutrient D to keep sound...
851 Words 2 Pages
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