Essays on Daisy Miller

Traditions Of American Realism In Daisy Miller

The present excerpt is taken from Henry James’ famous work “Daisy Miller”; a novella that belongs to the Genteel Traditions of American Realism and published in 1878. It tells the story of the American young man Winterbourne, brought up in Europe, who is interested in the innocent, pretty, flirtatious and mysterious Daisy Miller. They met...
1466 Words 3 Pages

A Story Of A Young American Lady Named Daisy Miller

This excerpt is taken from Henry James’s Daisy Miller 1878 part one chapter two. This is a short novel or novella published in 1878 in London. It is a story of a young American lady named “Daisy Miller” and her family members who are vacationing in Europe. Daisy is vacationing in a new world and...
902 Words 2 Pages
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