Essays on Development

Global Partnership For Sustainable Development

Introduction Due to the dawn of information and communication technology has a decisive influence of every aspects of human life. But the uncontrollable population rates and demanding economies of the present social scenario are adding up extensive heaviness on the environment. This widespread aging of population and rapid technological change are placing great stress on...
2418 Words 5 Pages

The Idea Of Sustainable Development

‘Sustainable Development’ has become the most debatable topic today. It has raised many controversies between Development and Environment and that is why it is most relevant today. Environmental deterioration is increasing day by day due to deforestation, over-grazing, greenhouse gases, etc. If not checked in time our very survival will be at stake. The efforts...
826 Words 2 Pages

Education As An Instrument Of Development

Development over the years has been used to describe a rise in Gross National Product per capita of countries, Gross Domestic Product, growth in the economy characterized by infrastructure, modernization, industrialization and the like without a look at the quality of life of the people. Nussbaum (2010) argues that, this notion of development does not...
2731 Words 6 Pages

Economic Evaluation: Instruments To Assess Economic Development

Economic evaluation takes into account the efficiency and resource distribution to initiatives that could improve health care and health outcomes. Economic evaluation refers not just to the decisions on therapies or programs that affect patients directly, such as pharmacological procedures and medical products, as well as to decisions on implementation approaches that are specifically designed...
1204 Words 3 Pages

Key Elements Of Business Development

Business advancement involves undertakings and procedures to create and actualize development openings inside and between associations. It is a subset of the fields of business, trade and hierarchical hypothesis. Business advancement is the formation of long haul an incentive for an association from clients, markets, and connections. Business improvement can be interpreted as meaning any...
1936 Words 4 Pages

Health And Economic Development Of African Countries

This paper helps to find the relationship health has with economic development in African countries. It focuses mainly on sub – Saharan countries. The general method of moment and ordinary least square were used on the empirical part. Health will be discuss and seen how it relates with other factors such as economic development, education,...
3346 Words 7 Pages

African Economic Development: Opportunities And Challenges On The Way

Introduction The following essay takes as a departure point the article “The path to economic development is growing more treacherous, again”, published on The Economist, to analyse whether the way to economic development is, in fact, becoming more “treacherous”, i.e. more difficult, unpredictable or even deceptive. So, what is economic development? It is “the process...
1844 Words 4 Pages

Economic Globalization And Its Impact On Economic Development

With the rapid development of science and technology and economic standards, international trade, investment and cooperation, and the rapid expansion of the Internet, economic globalisation has intensified and become the mainstream of world economic development, optimising the industrial structure, promoting the competitiveness of the world market, facilitating the restructuring of the world economy, increasing international...
1269 Words 3 Pages

Mexico: Sustainable Development Goals

Mexico’s Profile Mexico has a population of 130 million and boasts of richness in cultural history and diversity as well as an abundance of natural resources. It is the 11th largest economy in the world and has strong macroeconomic institutions in addition to being open to private investment and trade. The authorities in Mexico have...
2240 Words 5 Pages

Sustainable Development Plan of Hartlepool: Analytical Essay

Introduction The site is located in Hartlepool on the south western edge of the urban district of Hartlepool with a length of between 1.65 km and 2.65 km from the city. The site is located outside the most remote corners of Hartlepool’s development and is currently in an open area. The vehicle’s current access to...
924 Words 2 Pages
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