Essays on Education

My First Day At Summer School

It was 6:00 o’clock, “beep beep beep” turns off the alarm clock wakes up. It was a very cold, dark day. And it was the first day of summer school I was so scared and happy! Since I knew one of my friends are going but she went on vacation for a week so that...
645 Words 1 Page

The Case Study Of 'Netflix'

The Case Study of ‘Netflix’ Overview of the case-“Netflix” This case attempts to highlight the strategic challenges and opportunities faced by Netflix. Neflix, founded in 1997 by Reed Hasting & Marc Randolph in California, USA, grew rapidly along with more than 24.4 million subscribers and they have 100,000 movies titles to choose from (Coulter, 2013)....
937 Words 2 Pages

Academic Dishonesty As A Problem With University Students

Academic dishonesty or academic misconduct can be defined as any form of cheating that takes place in a formal academic exercise, this can include plagiarism, fabrication, deception, or sabotage. With today’s technology, having an incredibly vast amount of information readily available at the touch of a finger has proved to be both a boon and...
495 Words 1 Page

Learning Styles: My Experience In Congo

I spent most of my life in Kinshasa, DR Congo where I went to two different schools. As French is my first language, the first 7 years of my education were in a local institution where I was taught in French. After I passed my 7th grade class, my parents enrolled me in an international...
940 Words 2 Pages

Gaming In E-learning

Gaming in e-learning 2 Abstract With the emerging technology, there is that one niche of it which have always pulled all of the attention towards itself and been in the center forever since which is nothing but gaming, Gaming is the only field which had never lacked its audience from various walks of the field,...
626 Words 1 Page

Issues In Early Education In Scotland

Early years education in Scotland is always looking for areas in which to improve, and the Scottish Government provides drivers in which schools should focus to ensure this improvement. This essay will consider drivers from the 2019 National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan (Scottish Government, 2018 b). Improvement areas discussed will be parental involvement, improvement...
2612 Words 6 Pages

Gender Inequality Within The Education System

Gender Inequality within the education system has always been very prevalent. Even though attempts have been made to counter the situation, there are still many problems regarding gender inequality within society & within the education system. Recent data shows that primary school boys are now struggling to keep up with girls academically and keep up...
550 Words 1 Page

Research Methodology

Shone (2015) found the definition of research methodology to be a systematic and unbiased way of solving a problem through generating verifiable data. However, this is through a positivist perspective. A constructivism perspective would define research methodology by involving epistemology stating that it studies the nature of knowledge, what it is that we know and...
1597 Words 4 Pages

Machine Learning: A Form Of Applied Statistics

Machine Learning Machine learning is essentially a form of applied statistics with increased emphasis on the use of computers to statistically estimate complicated functions and a decreased emphasis on proving confidence intervals around these functions. Machine learning algorithms have settings called hyperparameters that must be determined external to the learning algorithm itself. 1. Learning Algorithms...
2155 Words 5 Pages
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