Essays on Enron Scandal

Analysing Accounting Theories And Issues Of Case Of Enron Scandal

Analysing Accounting theories and Issues of the case of Enron Scandal 1 Introduction The importance of accounting theories and the current issues cannot be neglected at any instance. It is considered that key goal of financial reporting is offering of the high based quality financial statements reporting information in context to economic enterprises, mainly financial...
2612 Words 6 Pages

Enron Scandal: Jeffrey Skilling As A Person Of Interest

My chosen person of interest is former Enron chief executive officer (CEO), Jeffrey Skilling. Skilling joined Enron in 1990 and would first become the company’s chief operating officer (COO) and later on its CEO. Skilling and Enron’s chairman, Kenneth Lay, worked side by side in Enron and were both found guilty of several accounts of...
1904 Words 4 Pages
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