Essays on Entrepreneurship

Value-based Learning for an Entrepreneur: a Gandhian Perspective of Self-reliance

Gandhian qualities of management style are to interpret and adopt the philosophy of love satya (truth) and ahimsa (nonviolence) in the domains of business and corporate dealings for entrepreneurs globally. Every one speaks about ethical management and moral codes of conduct but few practice it. Everyone teaches, gives examples and propagates Gandhian principles but few...

Smart Home Automation System: Design and Implementation

Introduction Smart home: A smart home or building is a home or building, usually a new one that is equipped with special structured wiring to enable occupants to remotely control or program an array of automated home electronic devices by entering a single command. For example, a homeowner on vacation can use a Touchtone phone...
2550 Words 6 Pages

Entrepreneurial Opportunities In Malaysia

1. Introduction and Entrepreneurship The concept of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship is known to have existed over centuries. Despite being a well-known concept for all these years, economists have disregarded entrepreneurs from their existing formal models (Hayes, 2019). This was because they believed that the ideal entrepreneurship would be known to rational thinkers. Their belief aimed...
2196 Words 5 Pages

Effects of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Empathy and Assurance

Abstract – The insurance industry in Sri Lanka has the goal to provide quality service to satisfy their customers in the principal of severe competition for market share with its plentiful competitors. Sri Lankan insurance industry is regulated by IRCSL and according to its records as at April 2018, the insurance industry was generally made...

Study and Implementation of a Real-Time Home Automation Systems

Abstract In our modern life, home automation systems are important because we have access to it at various locations with a high value, which saves time by automatically reducing human work. Energy saving is one of the most important requirements that we aspire to. The motion sensors, temperature and humidity sensors (DHT11), Ultrasonic sensors and...
2344 Words 5 Pages

Home Automation Using IOT: A Literature Review

One of the most recent catchwords within the world of technology is internet of Things. In Future internet of things can remodel the important world objects into intelligent virtual objects. The IoT direct to amalgamate everything in our world underneath a standard infrastructure. Current study on IoT that addresses ideas through totally different systematic review...

Entrepreneurship Development: Report On Theories Of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship Development Аbstrаct The theory of entrepreneurship, аlso known аs the entrepreneuriаl vаlue creаtion theory, gives us detаils аbout the entire entrepreneuriаl experience, from the discovery of аn entrepreneuriаl opportunity аnd the entrepreneuriаl intention, to the development of the entrepreneuriаl cаpаbilities, аnd the reаlisаtion of the entrepreneuriаl rewаrd. The theory of entrepreneurship describes the entire...
2402 Words 5 Pages
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