Essays on Environment

Winter: Seasonality in Humans

Introduction The evidence of seasonality in humans is limited. Whether human exhibit seasonality or not remains an open question that this paper is going to handle. It has been demonstrated by epidemiological studies over time. This paper is also going to focus on critical review of evidences supporting seasonality in humans. It is also going...
1671 Words 4 Pages

Application And Issues Of CEA In Conservation

Evaluating interventional programs that are and have been implemented are based mostly on ecological factors for success. For example, evaluating a conservation intervention programme based purely on species status (Salafsky and Margoluis, 1999). However, it is also important that investments in conservation should also be evaluated in order to decide which conservation options would provide...
976 Words 2 Pages

Endangered Species: The Consequences Of The Destruction Of Animals

I want to answer questions such as why people kill other species for cosmetics, food, and clothing. People stubbornly continue to destroy all life on earth for both gastronomic and entertainment purposes and the most important reason for the disappearance of animal species, which scientists call human agricultural activity. I hope to find why people...
1192 Words 3 Pages

Desertification And Increasing Water Scarcity

It is important to understand the very fact that only 3% of the world’s water is fresh and roughly it’s inaccessible. the remainder is extremely unevenly distributed and therefore the available supplies and increasingly contaminated with wastes and pollution from industry, agriculture and house hold. it’s going to maintain of the water available to us...
860 Words 2 Pages

Trash Depleting Our Planet: Recycling Or Fining

The trash depleting our planet is striking. We pay for our actions so why would we not pay for the lack of them? 10% of councils in the UK make it obligatory for their tenants to recycle. However, 75% of families in Scotland would not have to pay the tax for not doing it, as...
1163 Words 3 Pages

The Effects Of Water And Air Pollution

The conditions and ideas of our present world have shown vast changes in development through advancement in industry and in new technologies. In the modern world, the majority of the population is in awe with all the new gadgets on the marketplace. We are all keen to have the latest car, phone, MacBook…, but we...
1020 Words 2 Pages
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