Essays on First Aid

First Aid: Steps To Do

An emergency is an immediate response giving to a severely injured or ill person. This involves a lot of decision making and the best time to make such decisions and when to act. the following includes the steps that one should take in an emergency: Recognize the Emergency: first, check the safety of the victim...
484 Words 1 Page

Knowledge And Attitude Towards First Aid: Cross-sectional Study Amongst UCSI Students

Abstract In the abstract of this article, the author summarized the key characteristics of the studies including objectives, background, methods, results and conclusions. Background: Nowadays, injury could be one of the significant reasons among university students leading to morbidity and mortality. The morbidity and mortality can be largely lowered by providing proper and adequate training...
1365 Words 3 Pages

First Aid: History And Role Of Technologies

First aid comprises of a series of drills and skills to help sick or injured people until full medical treatment is available; the term can be dated back to 1878 but the first recorded example of people who trained to administer first aid can be seen 1099, when the order of St John (a group...
752 Words 2 Pages
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