Essays on Gender Diversity

Post Colonial Feminism In Iraq

Problem: How did the United States of America use women to justify intervention in Iraq? Postcolonial feminism is a relatively new theory that is defined by Wikipedia as “a form of feminism that developed as a response to feminism focusing solely on the experiences of women in western cultures.” This theory is developed from the...
910 Words 2 Pages

The Modern Woman: Gender Discrimination In The Workplace

At the current rate of progress, it will take 108 years to close the gender gap in the United States (Wulfhorst). The Cambridge Dictionary definition of a gender gap is the discrepancy in opportunities, status, and attitudes, between men and women. Because of the patriarchal-dominated society in the United States, it is hard to break...
1568 Words 3 Pages

The Trickery Of Woman In Charles Perrault’s “Bluebeard”

As women, we have all been in instances where we have been told we are not able to do something due to the sole fact that we are female. This subjective way of life has been shown for thousands of years, from unequal voting rights to unequal pay. Women go through distressing cruelty and oppression...
1701 Words 4 Pages

Anxieties Of The Era By Focusing On Cleopatra’s Authority, Gender, Sexuality And Race In Shakespeare’s Antony And Cleopatra

Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt has effectively captured the popular imagination of writers and audiences throughout myriad time periods, gaining historical and cultural significance which metamorphosed the ancient Queen into an iconic figure laced with a mystical persona embedded with an alluring charisma. Gender politics blanket plethora of representations of Cleopatra across time periods and...

Abortion: Government, Religious and Women’s Perspectives

Introduction Abortion has been an issue in society for decades, dating all the way back to the Bible making indirect references to it. More recently, it has become even more of a debate with people choosing between two sides, Pro-Life and Pro-Choice. Both sides have very different opinions on what should happen regarding abortions. Pro-Lifer’s...
1255 Words 3 Pages

Concept Of Women In Iron Jawed Angels: Film Analysis

For years, women were looked at as fragile beings, who were only good for maintaining the household and making children. Many centuries ago, women were viewed as property, they were owned by their fathers and once married they belonged to their husbands. They had barely any rights even though they played a huge role in...
2741 Words 6 Pages

Gender Shapes Societal Perceptions of Domestic Violence among Refugee Communities

Introduction: Domestic violence or Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) has been recognised globally as a serious social, health and human rights concern. This may involve sexual, physical, or emotional abuse. Although domestic violence occurs across all cultural and faith communities (Devries et al., 2013), little is known about how refugee women settled in Australia experience violence...
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