Essays on Health Care

Strategies, Models, And Approaches Of Health Promotion

Introduction The pieces from the extensive literature available are evident that the communities having the empowerment and the healthy life motivation are observed to be the healthy communities. The practices, which include on the routine basis are the concerns for promoting health in the form of decision making, achieved through the networking and supporting strategic...
2401 Words 5 Pages

Sleep: Adverse Childhood Experiences

Sleep is known as an important part of our daily routine. As humans, we spend about one-third of our life sleeping. Without sleep we cannot form or maintain the necessary pathways in our brain that allow us to learn, retain information, and develop. Sleep can also affect our brains, heart, lungs, immune system, mood, and...
2883 Words 6 Pages

Proper Hand Hygiene: Advanced Leadership For Contemporary Nursing

Advanced Leadership for Contemporary Nursing Proper Hand Hygiene Proper hand hygiene is important as many infections are acquired in healthcare settings. This has led to longer hospital stays and multiple re admissions to the hospital. The stakeholders are being forced to pay attention due to stricter regulations resulting in monetary fines and loss revenue. Washing...
1531 Words 3 Pages

Improving Health And Sleep

The girl looking back at me in the mirror today is different compared to the girl in the mirror a month ago. My English professor assigned us to research and write a paper on health, and to implement the change for a month. According to one of the books I used in my research, The...
799 Words 2 Pages

Ethical Issues And Palliative Care

Palliative care nursing is a speciality where you observe your patients in their most vulnerable moments. Whether it be watching a patient struggle to hold on until their last family member arrives to say good-bye, or accompanying them as they take their final breath. It isn’t solely about death, but rather about making your patient...
1623 Words 4 Pages

Hand Hygiene: Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence based practice (EBP) is the conscientious use of current best evidence and a problem-solving approach to clinical practice that incorporates patient values and preferences from well-designed studies for making decisions about patient care (Ackley, Ladwig, Makic, Martinez-Kratz, & Zanotti, 2020). Healthcare is evidence based and grounded in knowledge derived from scientific principles and research...
696 Words 2 Pages

Article Critique: Hand Hygiene Compliance Among Healthcare Workers

Article Critique: Hand Hygiene Compliance Among Healthcare Workers  This document will discuss, and critique research conducted by Chavali et al., (2014). The author’s empirical study evaluated the adherence to hand hygiene among nurses and allied healthcare workers at the end of their training year. The first section will discuss the background of the study, including...
1424 Words 3 Pages

Negative Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

Negative Effects of Sleep Deprivation: We all know that everyone hates waking up early in the morning yet almost every week, most of Australian high school students begin class before eight thirty in the morning. Instead of being energetic and ready to learn, most teenagers can barely remain awake and focus on work. It is...
909 Words 2 Pages

Palliative Care: Dignity Of A Person

Introduction Dignity can be defined as the right of a person to be respected, valued and be treated ethically. It is one of the core values in the provision of quality palliative care according to the National Palliative Care Standards. People in need of palliative care often have complex symptoms which have led to the...
1012 Words 2 Pages

Health Care Integration

Introduction This essay aims to discuss the topic of integrated healthcare and the multi-disciplinary care of a patient with severe acne vulgaris. The concept of integrated healthcare will be discussed, followed by a description of the condition acne vulgaris. This will be followed with an insight into the roles of the General Practitioner (GP), the...
1893 Words 4 Pages
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