Essays on Health

Use Of Portobello Mushroom As A Source Of Vitamin D For Treatment Of Rickets

Abstract: Mushrooms are low in calories and provide nutrients like vitamin B and vitamin D(especially when mushrooms are exposed to sunight). The objective of study is recovering the deficiency of D vitamin(which cause problem of rickets). It will be done by the use(consumption) of sunlight or UV lamps exposed Portobello mushrooms. At the time when...
1674 Words 4 Pages

The Impact Of Mass Media On Eating Disorders In Young Girls

Our society nowadays is heavily prompted through the media, and the images it shows. Even though it may be indirect, the media provides unhealthy messages about body sizes, gender attractiveness and weight control that make young women view themselves negatively. Magazines, television, movies, and advertisements influence young women on what they believe their body image...
713 Words 2 Pages

Underage Drinking As A Deviant Behavior

Deviance is at its core in social construction that is used to maintain social order (Henry, 2019). In my own words I believe that deviance is used to describes a behavior or action that violates a social norm, for example knowing that drinking is wrong but still do it. I believe that even though a...
754 Words 2 Pages

Smoking: Reasons, Impact On Health And Ways Of Cessation

Smoking is one of the most dangerous and negative phenomena that have spread in our communities, where there is no society without smokers among its members. It even entered almost every house. Scientists and researchers made great efforts to deal with it, and they wrote articles and researches, to reduce this scourge and indicate its...
1150 Words 3 Pages

Overview Of Aids Epidemic

The AIDS epidemic was associated with homosexuality due to the initial similar cases among gay males. In particular, it was observed and identified by the immunologist Dr. Michael Gottlieb in the Los Angeles area. Gottlieb began to serve as a faculty member of the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA with the Associate Clinical...
1973 Words 4 Pages

Genogram: Alcoholism And Shakiel Gibbons Family History

The word ‘family’ can be interpreted in many ways and is nearly impossible to define. Some people limit the family to include only blood relatives, while others may have a broader definition that includes not only relatives but close friends as well. However, according to Sarkisian (n.d.), “a family is a group of two or...
2136 Words 5 Pages

Vitamin A Deficiency In Developing Countries

Micronutrient deficiencies are one of the leading causes of malnutrition, especially in the developing world. Vitamin deficiencies can lead to impaired growth and development, birth defects, visual impairments, and other health issues. (Beaudry) Over two billion people suffer from Micronutrient deficiencies on a global scale, and 25% of the population is at risk or suffering...
1584 Words 3 Pages

Intellectual Disability And Its Identifications

In this paper, it discusses Intellectual Disability and its identifications. This is a research conducted to further understand the disability stages, its symptoms, causes and how to care for those affiliated with the Disability. Utilizing information gathered from the internet, this research paper contains compiled information on educating people about the importance of intellectual disability....
1217 Words 3 Pages

The Impact Of Stress On Our Life

Stress is one of the biggest problems that society has. It can affect people of all ages like kids, students, adults, etc. Not everyone is able to handle all the pressure and stress that people can feel. This is why the majority of the illnesses are due to stress. Living under it can be so...
1113 Words 2 Pages
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