Essays on Heart

Heart Transplant: Overview And Benefits

The Heart is that the hardest working muscle within the physique and it’s the pump which moves blood via the circulatory system, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the tissue and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes. When a human heart is not working and causing problem to the body, and it does not respond to...
1069 Words 2 Pages

Coronary Heart Disease: Incidence And Prevalence

In this essay, I will analyse the changing trends concerning the incidence and prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). Also, how the changes that were seen may be influenced by societal factors such as individual diet and lifestyle choices. Coronary Heart Disease, otherwise known as Ischaemic Heart Disease, is where there is a restriction of...
510 Words 1 Page

Group Of Heart Diseases

Heart disease is a group of conditions that influence parts of the heart functions. There are four conditions for heart disease Coronary artery, heart attack, Congenital heart disease. Heart attack starts when blood that is supplied to the heart starts to slow down because of blockage. Congenital heart or blood vessels near the heart didn’t...
794 Words 2 Pages
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