Essays on Higher Education

Motivations In Higher Education

Introduction Background of study The history of Cambodia has undergone a lot of wars, revolutions, invasions, a well-known genocide and exile over the past half-century (Quackenbush, 2019). In addition, there was a rapid improvement in Cambodian education after the independence from French Colony (Cambodia Cultural Profile). It is also known that Japan used to occupy,...
2208 Words 5 Pages

Cambodian Higher Education: Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivations

Background of study The history of Cambodia has undergone a lot of wars, revolutions, invasions, a well-known genocide and exile over the past half century (TIME cite). In addition, there was a rapid improvement in Cambodian education after the independence from French Colony (Cambodia Cultural Profile). It is also known that Japan used to occupy,...
700 Words 2 Pages

Positive Effects Of Athletics On Academic Performance

Participation in organized sports is not only beneficial to one’s health, but it can also develop many positive character traits that athletes can use in every aspect of their lives. Being part of an organized school team, practicing several times per week and representing the school competitively will also promote self-esteem, self-concept and social capital...
713 Words 2 Pages

The Academic Honor Code: Problem Of Cheating

All through the US and the world, resources are being used throughout middle school and high school to abuse the honor code. This honor code, expresses that they are not permitted to cheat or take another understudy’s work that is not theirs and to ‘…build trust among students and to take care of a tutorial...
1011 Words 2 Pages

MBA: Expectations And Reality

MBA Expectations and reality In today’s globalized world most of the business schools are desperate to get the business leader, who can able to achieve the competitive advantage. And, the primary source of it is seems as the business schools. In addition, Korn Ferry (2016) believed that MBA program play a vital role to minimize...
702 Words 2 Pages

Distance Education For Sophomores

Distance Education or distance learning is a kind of matchbox program that serves out to be advantageous for all the pupils. A distance learning program is a combination of distance learning and traditional classroom instruction. Massive open online courses, offering large scale interactive participation and open access through the network technologies, are recent educational modes...
561 Words 1 Page

Honor Codes: How Warriors Should Live While Also Keeping Subject To Society

“They don’t make them like they used to.” Have you ever noticed yourself murmuring this phrase when you’re frustrated at something, just wishing that things could be like they used to be? A common feeling, it’s responsible for distorting the realities of our collective past and making us think that everything ‘then’ was a lot...
1849 Words 4 Pages

Home Influence On Academic Performance

Education is that the process of instructions aimed toward the all-around development of the individual, facilitating realization of self-potential and latent talents of a private (Anderman, 1999). Education makes man a right thinker and an accurate administrator. It’s through education that knowledge and knowledge is received and spread throughout the planet. The environment is that...
498 Words 1 Page

Distance Learning: My Experience

 Over the past several weeks students across America have been forced to adapt to a new normal, a way of life that includes going to school virtually from home. At first, this new way of teaching seemed super cool and appeared to be much easier for the students. Many students loved the idea of jumping...
438 Words 1 Page
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