Essays on Historical Figures

Henry Viii And His Wives

The eight king of England. The man who did the most royal scandals in the history. The most famous king of all times. This text will inform you about Henry, as well as his relation with his wives. He had a lot of wives and had fun with mostly all of them, but the question...
723 Words 2 Pages

The Life Of Robert E. Lee

I am doing my book report on Robert E. Lee, For my sources i used the book “Robert E. Lee and the rise of the South” by the author Cathy East Dubowski. This is my book review on Robert’s life and the things he did in it. Robert’s mothers name was Matilda Lee and his...
1243 Words 3 Pages

History's Most Evil Men: Adolf Hitler And Joseph Stalin

History is full of miraculous stories involving advancements and victories, but a majority of the time it is unfortunately filled with brutal war and unethical people. Over time, more and more deeply evil humans have leadership positions and have begun to run their countries a bit differently than before. Two men that are looked back...
1817 Words 4 Pages

Napoleon’s Commitment To The French Revolution

Napoleon Bonaparte’s actions, no matter how cruel and inhumane they may appear, were all committed for the sake of France and its Revolution. The French Revolution took place in May 5, 1789 when the people of France overthrew their monarchy, took control of their own government and determined that every citizen should have the right...
1368 Words 3 Pages

Family Of Winston Churchill

In the history of great men that have lived, Winston Churchill’s name can never be forgotten even in the years to come for his contributions in many areas especially the First World War. He served as the first Sea Lord who added to the Royal Navy, a politician, prime minister, and writer. He was known...
754 Words 2 Pages

Napoleon's Biography And Role In French Revolution

Very rarely does a figure enter the stage who becomes as renowned as Napoleon Bonaparte. Along with the likes of Julius Caesar and William the Conqueror, Napoleon has secured his place in history as a man who, for better or for worse, radically altered its course. Born Napoleone di Buonaparte, Napoleon was born on the...
2465 Words 5 Pages

Mahatma Gandhi’s Philosophy On Women

Women for Mahatma Gandhi were embodiments of virtues like faith, sacrifice, humility, tolerance and knowledge. ‘Women are the incarnation of Ahimsa. Ahimsa means infinite love, which again means infinite capacity for suffering. He admired women’s qualities of self-suffering and spirituality, as can be seen by his words that to me the female sex is not...
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Nat Turner And Slavery In America

Slavery in the United States marked the nation’s history over the years since many people have different opinions about it adding or offsetting the value of human beings. Slavery was a legal economic system where people were treated as property mainly with the practice of inhumane and disrespectful treatments towards them. In the United States,...
1430 Words 3 Pages

Connections Of Julius Caesar And Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi and Julius Caesar were the two chiefs from various countries and timespans.  From the play, ‘Julius Caesar’, composed by William Shakespeare, and a motion picture named, ‘Mahatma Gandhi’, directed by Richard Attenborough it comprises obvious that these two individuals were comparative somehow or another and different ways altogether different attributes. Both were enormous...

John Proctor As A Christ-like Figure

“Nobody is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. Some mistakes will teach you great lessons and make you a better person.” Many individuals live through this quote because of the pure and simple truth to it; that everyone makes the wrong decisions from time to time, but learning from the mistakes you make will mold you into...
664 Words 1 Page
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