Essays on History

The Influence Of USA Civil Rights Movement On Australia

The US civil rights movement in the 1960s successfully influenced activism change in Australia for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. With this successful change in the law, aboriginals and Torres strait islanders have the right to vote and the right to ownership of land. However, there are still many things that need to be...
592 Words 1 Page

Changes In Life During Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was a period of time when there was a rapid change in the development of people and technology. This happened throughout the 17th-18th Century. People worked every day to support their lives and their family so they could survive, they had kids of all ages working in these horrific It is agreed...
1026 Words 2 Pages

Abigail Williams: The Power Of Identity

The citizens in Massachusetts’s town of Salem were suppressed, diligent and extremely obedient. This puritan society changed in 1692, when the entire town became hysterical over the possibility of witchcraft being present in their Christian town. Citizens became ruthless; condemning and perjuring the innocent and deceiving the court just to save their own name. Would...
894 Words 2 Pages

Connection of Agricultural And Industrial Revolutions

Occurring in Britain between 1760-1840, the Industrial Revolution was considered to be one of the major turning points of society worldwide. The development of the Second Agricultural revolution was believed to be the major cause of this. It was a significant period of development required to take place as the agricultural work fields were supposedly...
1102 Words 2 Pages

Characterisation Of Cleopatra: Myth And Truth

In just about everything you read, Cleopatra is characterised as the power-crazed, murderous harlot who preyed on seducing innocent men. To the Romans, she was an evil eastern sexual predator crushed my moral Rome, all the way to the Hollywood image of her as a highly sexualised villain. But, who really was Cleopatra? Cleopatra was...
999 Words 2 Pages

Vikings: Religion And Culture

Believes Vikings believed that there were different worlds in their universe. There were nine in total and each was inhabited by different beings. Niflheim was on the lowest level of the Norse universe, it was the realm of ice. It was a place for cold-blooded murderers, people who broke the Viking oaths and vagrants. Midgard...
1594 Words 4 Pages

History Report: Comparison Of Ancient Rome And China

1. Environment How did the ancient Civilizations adapt to the landscape/climate and how did they survive? (conceptual) Ancient China: Ancient China is made up of forests, hills, mountains, and deserts. The ancient Chinese adapted to this by using the natural resources it provided. They settled along the Yellow River, also now known as Huang He...
2074 Words 5 Pages

Spanish Conquests Of The Aztecs

The Spanish Conquistadors won against the Aztecs due to a combination of experience, motivation and dumb luck. The Spanish past of war and violence prepared them for any opponent, and their dirty, smelly country drove them to sacrifice anything for money and status. But the Conquistadors’ main reason for winning was the strong and powerful...
1152 Words 3 Pages

Main Factors Which Enabled Spain To Conquer The New World

The conquering between Spain and the native American’s started in 1492 more then 500 years ago when Christopher Columbus was funded by the Spanish king named Ferdinand and queen Isabella to find a new route to Asia sailing west side of the world. The Spanish wanted to bring Christianity in the new world because they...
923 Words 2 Pages
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