Essays on Human Populations

Persuasive Essay on Impact of Overpopulation

The evolution of humans has introduced so many extraordinary findings into the world. However, all things come at a price. If you could turn back time and view your town, city, or even suburb, one-hundred years ago, I guarantee it would be unrecognisable. The reason for this comes down to one word: overpopulation. From a...
1398 Words 3 Pages

Critical Analysis of Reasons for Divorce in Our Society

Divorce is the termination of a marriage between a couples. It happens after a husband and wife decide not to live together anymore and that they no longer want to be bear the duties and responsibilities of marriage thus dissolving the bonds eventually making them each single again and allow them to marry other people...
978 Words 2 Pages

Effects of Technology on Society: Analysis of Overpopulation

Overpopulation has caused many side effects that need to be addressed within our society. If these are not addressed, then the consequences will be drastic and can cause an epidemic. For the past 400 years, the advances made in the industrial, transportation, economic, medical, and agricultural revolutions have helped nurture an exponential rise in human...
1747 Words 4 Pages

Globalisation and Cultural Deterritorialization: Traditions of Christmas Celebration

Introduction According to BBC, the business transaction of Alibaba on Single’s Day broke the record made by itself(2019). Thanks to the establishment of Alibaba, the Chinese consumers could do online shopping directly with the commercial tenants on a global scale, which has brought out economic benefits and transregional communications. Alexander pointed out that the increasing...

Role of Welfare in Our Society: Analytical Essay

That is the role that individuals on welfare play in society and what is the welfare system doing to incentivize individuals to work towards a lifestyle that isn’t supported by welfare? Welfare plays a big role in our society today as it allows people to sustain themselves until they’re able to find a job to...
1526 Words 3 Pages

Impacts of Volunteering on People’s Lives around the World: Analytical Essay

Introduction This piece of research aims to review the impacts of volunteering on people’s lives around the world. Additionally, uncovering how volunteering affects people in deprived areas of Scotland and how well volunteer organisations and policy makers support the promotion of volunteering. The Scottish Government (2019) note that volunteering is worth around £2.26 billion to...
1453 Words 3 Pages
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