Importance Of Interpersonal Communication in Relationships

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In today’s business world, effective communication plays an essential role in the development of any given organization. According to Bevan and Sole (2014), employers need and want employees who are competent and good communicators. In a professional setting, excellent interpersonal communication facilitates the decision-making process which at times requires communicating complex information. Notably, leaders with interpersonal communication skills build strong relationships with workers which in turn improve communication and understanding in the organization (Bevan, J. L., & Sole, K. 2014). The following paper analyzes principles and barriers to effective interpersonal communication, the role of communication in developing and maintaining one’s self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem. Differentiate appropriate levels of self-disclosure and emotional intelligence in various relationships as well as analyzes the impact of gender and culture on interpersonal communications.

There are various principles to effective interpersonal communication that govern effectiveness in communications. These principles state that interpersonal communication is inescapable, and is irreversible (‘4 Principles of Great Interpersonal Communication Skills – Soft Skills – Ask a Wharton MBA’, 2019). Concerning it is inescapable, an individual may attempt not to speak, but that also communicates something to the other person through facial expression, gestures, and posture. It is impossible for an individual to avoid another person, especially when working in the same environment. For it is irreversible, this statement means that once an individual has verbally said something, it cannot be taken back. The words spoken can influence the receiver positively or negatively, and the effect inevitably remains. For instance, in a hospital setting where a nurse supportively or positively encourages the patient. The interpersonal communication between the nurse and the patient can influence the outcomes of the patient, and he or she is likely to engage in practices that would benefit his or her health. In this regard, these two principles matter because they clearly demonstrate the impact of interpersonal communication and enhance conversation among individuals which bring a better understanding of each other.

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In most occasions, interpersonal communication barriers occur when the message of the sender is received differently from the original purpose. Among the barriers to competent interpersonal communication include; cultural barriers, and language barriers. In cultural barriers, different communities have distinct beliefs and practices. In some societies, for instance, it is acceptable to hold arms with a person while speaking to them, while in other cultures this practice is completely unacceptable. For the organization to overcome this barrier, it is essential for the company to organize training session that will educate and clarify the meaning of those gestures to the staff to enable them to communicate effectively with other cultures and relate with others from diverse backgrounds. Regarding the language barrier, this could lead to misunderstanding among workers not speaking the same language. For example, in a scenario where someone does not understand English, it is essential for the organization to have a translator who can translate.

Effective communication significantly affects one’s attitude and behavior which determine self-concept which in turn affect the way other people perceive that individual as well as substantially affecting self-image and self-esteem. Self-concept is defined as the idea one has on themselves based on the behaviors that one portray which affect the reaction of others towards them. Self-image can be identified as the mental picture that depicts a person personality, appearance and abilities. On the other hand, self-esteem refers to a general view on self-worth and abilities that one has placed upon self which determines one’s emotional state. Experts argue that effective communication matter to both individual’s happiness and their psychological health. Better communication to the people around someone always ensure emotional intelligence and better conflict resolutions which have a great impact on the relationship one has with other people. Ideally, humans are a social being who need to communicate their past; current and future state to ensure they are well understood to minimize conflict.

According to Bevan and Sole, (2014), communication is an ongoing and complex process that has been influenced by past events, how the current interaction unfolds and future relationship interactions. Individuals learn who they are by interacting with others as well as develop self-conceptions that sometimes suit or matches the way they believe other people view them. In my opinion, the author means that communication is an essential aspect of people’s lives which determine their wellbeing. By establishing proper communication channels, individuals can better themselves. This topic is important as it provides useful information on an important aspect of our social lives that can shape who people are and how they interact with others.

It is important to note that self-disclosure can positively or negatively affect interpersonal communication in relationships. According to psychologists, self-disclosure refers to the intentional disclosure of personal information to the other person. For example, an individual telling the other person about their hobbies in the first week of meeting them may build friendship bonds that would last. On the contrary, an individual in a relationship disclosing sensitive information to the partner after a few weeks of meeting them can negatively affect the relationship. According to Altman and Taylor (1973), in social penetration theory, the theory suggests that by an individual disclosing or sharing their emotions with another person this act displays trust or intimacy and the individuals gain a greater understanding of each other. The self-disclosure Concept differentiates according to how personal, the information they are willing to share is, and this refers to depth as well as the topic range which refers to breadth.

Self-disclosure and emotional intelligence connect by how an individual can accept the other person emotions with empathy in interpersonal relationships, and this gesture portrays that individual’s level of emotional intelligence. According to research, emotional intelligence refers to one’s ability to reason about emotions and emotional information to enhance thoughts that can improve interpersonal relationships (‘Emotional Intelligence | Psychology Today,’ 2019). The level of self-disclosure necessary for co-workers, for example, is breadth level. High emotional intelligence makes sure that one understands their emotions before disclosing any personal information to the other person.

Many people believe that culture shapes communities. Distinct groups have different believes and identities. Gender and culture affect how people communicate because of the different styles in which people communicate. According to research, culture refers to a set of traditions norms, beliefs, and values that are passed in various generations of the community. Culture has a significant impact on interpersonal communication as it influences the other parties to learn their cultural values to comprehend and understand each other better. Distinct cultures view men and women differently in terms of language used and body language.

Conversely, gender plays the same role in society. Research suggests that gender is used to define women and men. Women are perceived to be emotional in communicating while men are less emotional. According to Bevan and Sole (2014), how an individual is raised influences their gender orientation. Gender orientation refers to the behaviors that are considered appropriate for an individual based on their actual sex. In this regard, culture, and gender significantly influences interpersonal communication as both men and women communication whether verbal or non-verbal is received and interpreted in different ways.

Cultural and gender orientation training influences communication as individuals get to learn the differences, and this helps in lessening misunderstanding, and therefore, enhancing communications between the sexes. This matter is important for the co-workers because breadth self-disclosure can support more of a personal relationship rather than a professional association that has boundaries.

In conclusion, it is important to note that interpersonal communication plays an important in an individual communication life. Non-verbal communication also communicates something about the individual to others. Besides, how people perceive themselves also influences their interactions with others. Additionally, how an individual relates is basically affected by distinct cultural practices. Therefore, learning and understanding of the culture of other people helps to overcome barriers to interpersonal communication and improves mutual understanding.


  1. Bevan, J. L., & Sole, K. (2014). Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication (2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved
  2. Emotional Intelligence | Psychology Today. (2019). Retrieved
  3. 4 Principles of Great Interpersonal Communication Skills – Soft Skills – Ask a Wharton MBA. (2019). Retrieved


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