Essays on Indigenous People

The Effect Of Globalisation On Lives Of The Pygmy People

Indigenous peoples worldwide are subject to marginalisation and discrimination, systematically experiencing poorer health than do majority groups. In Africa, poor health in the general population is widely recognised with lower health status of Indigenous peoples, however it is rarely noted. Defining Africa’s indigenous group is probably the most complicated due to the lack of recognition...
1399 Words 3 Pages

The Access To Education Of Indigenous Children In Australia

The education received by indigenous children, particularly in remote areas, is not adequate or equivalent to what other Australian children have access to in cities and larger regional towns. Wilcannia Central School in a remote part of north-western New South Wales is a reception to year 12 school with 67 students, 94% of which are...
678 Words 1 Page

The Status And Wellbeing Of The Indigenous People Of Australia

Before the 1953 European settlement, Indigenous Australians have been lived for 50,000 years in Victoria. They were free and had their own cultural identity, speaks many languages, had a very strong connection to their culture and their land. Their lifestyle was healthy which was based on the hunter-gatherer culture, which consists of physical activity and...
678 Words 1 Page
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