Essays on Industry

E-commerce Or E-business

Concept During the last three decades, the new concept of business has evolved due to the introduction of the internet, providing new business opportunities for commercial organizations and they are being further influenced by user activities of newer applications of the internet. This new concept was named E-Commerce. Electronic commerce refers to the process of...
1627 Words 4 Pages

Cosmetic Surgery Popularity

Nowadays it is not uncommon to see someone out on the street and notice they have had some work done on them whether it is something as minimal as lip filler to something more out of the box like subdermal implants on their head. Most of us, in fact, know, someone personally who has decided...

Online Shopping: History, Advantages And Disadvantages

Online shopping The activity of buying and selling is as old as communities. People exchanged each other’s goods till the concept of money was introduced. With the introduction of money appeared the process of shopping. People then exchanged goods for gold or silver coins. Later, paper money was used instead of gold and silver. With...
1278 Words 3 Pages

The Reasons Why People Use Online Shopping

In recent years the internet has exploded onto the scene as a major factor in commerce. Our goal is to examine the sociological forces that explain why the internet is being used so heavily for shopping. Recent studies have proven that online shopping is now the norm. “Roughly eight-in-ten Americans are now online shoppers: 79%...
769 Words 2 Pages

What The In-Crowd Won't Tell You About E-Commerce Books

Internet sales is currently accessible to everyone. Having a small company demands that you wear many hats. The book is widely regarded as the holy book for those traders in the stock marketplace. The Importance of Ecommerce Books Selecting your custom-made database should have altered the target image employed in the Scene window. If this...
668 Words 1 Page

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Shopping Online

Are you for or against shopping online? If you are confused it’s okay, don’t worry stay awake and read this essay it will be very helpful for you. Shopping online it is an old method that is commonly used for shopping; therefore, a large number of people using this method of shopping. But have you...
482 Words 1 Page

Online Shopping: Increasing Of Popularity During The Lockdown

The eruption of the pandemic, Covid-19 has caused immense changes in the lifestyles of people all over the world. All the phases of life suddenly changed due to social distance which forced the whole world into a lockdown that restricted everyone in their homes, making working from home, online education, and activities to remain indoor....
474 Words 1 Page

Digital Economy And Online Shopping

Abstract The development of economy and the progress of society have greatly promoted the development of the information age. With the development of the information age, people have entered the era of digital economy. People’s life, study and work are inextricably linked with it. However, in our daily life, online shopping is the most closely...
2948 Words 6 Pages
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