Essays on Infertility

Nutritional Interventions And Male Infertility

Infertility, defined as the inability of sexually-potent, non-contracepting couple to conceive following a year of regular intercourse without using contraceptive methods, occurs in 10-15% of couples [Baba>>1-4]. Despite the absence of reliable figures of the worldwide rate of infertility [Kuma>>3], it’s suggested that fertility issues occur in approximately 72.4 million couple worldwide [Kumar>>4], while 60-80...
804 Words 2 Pages

Influence Of Herbicide Tolerant Corn On Infertility In Humans

Rationale The original claim states that ‘Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have a negative impact on health’. With this claim, the broad question was, does genetically modified organisms have a negative impact on health? In order to narrow the research question down and make it more specific, it had to be broken down in to several...
1520 Words 3 Pages

Male Infertility: A Brief Overview Of Pathologies

Introduction Infertility is a growing issue, especially in developing countries, that affects over 186 million people due to many reasons, mainly being lifestyle choices (1). Within the UK, infertility affects approximately 3.5 million individuals. In other words, 1 in 7 couples experience difficulties in achieving pregnancy (2). WHO defines infertility as the inability of a...
2953 Words 6 Pages
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