Essays on Interpersonal Relationship

Mothers and Their Love: Critical Analysis

Is sacrifice horrifying, or awe-inspiring? For some, I know, it may seem chilling, people giving up what they love most, but there is more to the story. Sacrifice is someone giving up something, for someone. And observing a person sacrificing something sacred for a loved one, a friend, or even a stranger, is nothing short...
711 Words 2 Pages

The Mother of Mother India: Review on Way of Life

‘Directed and produced by a woman and that woman the author of the story and script, the writer of the music and songs, as well as the singer, and to crown it all, the star of the picture, Madame Fashion, at the Imperial Talkies, Lamington Road, has an irresistible claim upon the attention and sympathy...
2408 Words 5 Pages

Plan and Execution of Home Computerization: Analytical Essay

Abstract Development is a wearisome system. To be able to structure a thing using the present progression that will be fundamental to the lives of others is a tremendous obligation to the system. This paper shows the procedure and execution of a straightforwardness yet versatile and secure PDA based home computerization structure. The framework relies...

Girls Not Brides: The Prevalence And Reproductive Outcomes Of Child Marriage In Sierra Leone

Abstract: This article analyzes the relationship between child marriage and reproductive outcomes by regressing going through a caesarean section on people of different age groups and other demographic characteristics. This was facilitated by data from the Multiply indicator cluster survey 2017. The linear regression model indicated that girls who marry early have a higher probability...

The Ambiguity of Love: What Is Life, in Relation to Love

Abstract We experience different kinds of love for a specific reason. We love because we live, and living is the nature of who we are. We live because we have freedom and freedom depends on the experience or perceptions of people on it. We have freedom because we sacrifice, and we sacrifice many things to...
3172 Words 7 Pages
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