Essays on Learning

Case Study: Mining Company

Introduction Organisations are faced with many risks. Businesses must take steps to ensure that they prioritise management activities so that what is important takes priority over what is not. Uncertainty is a norm in today’s business operations in terms of what events may impact the organisation, the type and extent of the impact and what...
1342 Words 3 Pages

Traditional Or ‘skill Based’ Coaching: An Instructor-oriented Approach To Fundamental Sport-specific Skills

Traditional or ‘skill based’ coaching is an instructor-oriented approach to fundamental sport-specific skills, where the learner is told what to do and how to do it (more of an autocratic coaching style). The coach organises highly structured drills and provides feedback to the players for correcting and improving skills. The traditional approach involves breaking sports...
616 Words 1 Page

Economic Feasibility Report Of Sci-tech Library

Background In Australia, libraries have a very crucial value in maintaining the University campuses’ position as a fundamental institute for learning and research. They are defined as a strong asset to a city and its universities. It is a center for knowledge, prosperity, and social welfare that provides access for local and worldwide guests. Valuation...
1827 Words 4 Pages

Free Education In Australia

Introduction University and tertiary education is a very fundamental aspect not only to the individual but to the society at large (Pages & Stampini, 2009). If university education is carried as an profit motive industry then it will not produce the best results. In reality, tertiary and university education is important in shaping the career...
2383 Words 5 Pages

My Philosophy Of Classroom Management

As a young African American male, growing up in a single parent home, I never chose being an educator on my list of professions. I was that troublesome student. The little boy who did not care but was a complete scholar. Wishing I could have done the right things, because they say, “Payback will get...
659 Words 1 Page

Concept Of Gamification In Different Industries

Gamification What is gamification.? The phenomenon of gamification is defined as the process of strengthening the system with potential in sequence to invoke game circumstance into further ways of end results. ‘Or’ “The use of game-thinking and game mechanics to engage users and solve problems.” (Zichermann & Cunningham, 2011) ‘Or’ “The use of game elements...
1741 Words 4 Pages

Inequality In Education In Today's Britain

How extensive is educational inequality in Britain today? Critically assess the different explanations that have been advanced to account for educational inequalities This essay seeks to discuss inequality in education. It attempts to explore the central issues around social class such as the upper, middle and working-class, which includes legislation and policies and the important...
2952 Words 6 Pages

Research In Epidemiology And Biostatistics

Epidemiology and Biostatistics Introduction Research is important for the advancement of many things especially health and science. The experiments that researchers conduct must be reviewed and the group that does the review is known as the Institutional Review Board or IRB. The IRB committee is not involved directly with the research but they assess the...
1645 Words 4 Pages
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