Essays on LGBT

LGBT Pride

LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER – LGBT PRIDE CLOTHING Sexual orientation and gender identity has often lead to discrimination among people sometimes ending in torture, abuse or even execution. LGBT people all around the world face inequality because of the person they love, but Love always wins!!! Together we stand as a community with no discrimination...
1009 Words 2 Pages

LGBT Community

Tell me, why can’t we accept people as people and not label them? Good morning/afternoon I am Jacinta Strathearn and today I am presenting to you an on-going issue of the marginalized group LGBT community. For those who aren’t aware the LGBT community are a group of people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual and...
1120 Words 2 Pages

Peculiarities Of Same-Sex Marriage

Introduction Over the previous decade, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender (LGBT) individuals have made noteworthy legitimate and political additions, including the opportunity to get married. Individuals in our general public see same-sex marriage in various ways. In Australia, the real tension between the rights of LGBTI is to have their marriages regarded equivalent to any...
2958 Words 7 Pages

Transgender Discrimination In Medical Field

 Throughout the world, there are certain prejudices and discriminations towards the LGBTQ community. The LGBTQ community consists of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, and queers. The group that I believe to have the most discrimination would be transgenders. This population is regularly discriminated against in the health care field and beyond. These individuals have specific healthcare...
720 Words 2 Pages

Homosexuality In Islam

Some of the main questions that the younger generation Muslims are struggling with is that why does Islam hold such a strict stance towards homosexuality? why is it haram? why would Allah criminalize something that might be natural or what’s the big deal in what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedroom....
1330 Words 3 Pages

The LGBTQ Should Be Allowed The Same Rights

Preliminary Many people believe that LGBTQIA has a choice in being who they are, and it is only about sex. They can choose to be with a member of the opposite sex if they want to be. Homosexuality is based on mutual attraction, affection, and love; the same as heterosexuals. It is no different than...
495 Words 1 Page

Same-Sex Marriage Weakens The Institution Of Marriage

Weakness in article Strawman fallacy Strawman fallacy is an opponent’s position is misrepresented to make it easier to critique. The first fallacy is Anderson (2015) stated that “weakening marital norms and severing the connection of marriage with responsible procreation are the admitted goals of many prominent advocates of redefining marriage.” For the paragraph, the author...
1410 Words 3 Pages

Gay Fathers Study

At the start of the twenty-first century, individuals are deciding to live their lives and raise their children in families that 50 years ago would not have been deemed as families (Lubbe, 2007). Societal factors such as adoption, divorce, migrant fathers, and HIV/AIDS have all contributed a part in influencing the manners in which non-traditional...
2632 Words 6 Pages

Gay Neighbourhood And Lifestyle

Overall, there is almost a complete focus on Gay neighborhoods and the migration of Gay people in and to urban areas. Although, this is not so surprising as many ‘constructionist arguments about the development of gay identity(David Bell and Gill Valentine, 1995) imply that the population size from city life can offer ‘anonymity and heterogeneity’...
1115 Words 2 Pages

Brunei Muslim LGBT Community

In this reflective practice, the concept of ‘comprehensive sexuality education (CSE)’ (Browne, 2015, as cited in Ridwan & Wu, 2018, p. 130) will be bringing into a media text which essentially focused on the implementation of new Islamic laws to the LGBT community under Brunei’s absolute monarchy system (“Syariah law plunges Brunei”, 2019). Therefore, the...
1246 Words 3 Pages
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