Essays on MBA

Motivation Letter To Enter An MBA

Throughout my formative years I have been interested in Business. And so, as I stood at the crossroads in my life, I have several options before me. But I knew three constant things that I was inclined towards Business Management, that I had the competitive spirit to be the best in whatever I did and...
1176 Words 3 Pages

Experience Of Learning In MBA

As I walked out of graduation, viewing the building I spent so much time in the last 2 years, memories of my experience flooded back to me. As a McCombs graduate, I took a huge step towards my long-term goal of implementing technology solutions in the hospitality industry; specifically, to enhance consumer experiences within hotels....
507 Words 1 Page

Reasons To Choose MBA

If I have to answer why I am drawn to supply chain and analytics, I would say it all started when I was in my first year of undergraduate college. On not finding the course books at the college store, I went on to buy them cheaper from an e-commerce website. The overall experience intrigued...
447 Words 1 Page

Final Essay About Studying In MBA

I was taught the core values of focus, determination and work ethic at a very young age by God’s given teachers. Despite all the odds, obstacles and challenges placed before them, My parents who are very disciplined, strong-willed and tenacious individuals put in countless number of hours in their effort to establish a business in...
636 Words 1 Page

Memories About McCombs MBA

As I am stepping down the podium in my academicals with a folder with McCombs School of Business inscribed on it, I started to reflect on my McCombs MBA journey and all the memories I have made at the school. By choosing McCombs for my MBA, I took a huge step towards my career interest...
493 Words 1 Page

MBA: Expectations And Reality

MBA Expectations and reality In today’s globalized world most of the business schools are desperate to get the business leader, who can able to achieve the competitive advantage. And, the primary source of it is seems as the business schools. In addition, Korn Ferry (2016) believed that MBA program play a vital role to minimize...
702 Words 2 Pages

Advantages And Disadvantages Of MBA Program

An MBA is a key of unevenness in the business that enables you to achieve a new sense of professional fulfilment. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a beneficial business program. It is an ability to get better original business skills. The MBA provides a platform for mounting a suite of less tangible, but...
494 Words 1 Page

My Quest To Acquire An MBA Degree

My quest to acquire an MBA degree is ten years in the making, and I am thrilled to be on the cusp of realizing that dream. It was ten years ago, as a junior in college, that I switched out of the college of science so I could pursue a business degree. Thinking back on...
419 Words 1 Page

Transfer Of Unique Scientific Background To The MBA Program: My Own Experience

I would like to utilize this optional essay to acknowledge and take ownership of how my unique scientific background transfers to the MBA program and to the business realm; to the success of my peers and my career. I’ll briefly bring you back to Belize. In the thick of the rainforest amidst complex regulatory schemes,...
515 Words 1 Page
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