Essays on Mental Health

Revealing Social Anxiety And Its Issues

Anxiety decreasing with exercise agrees with a plethora of research (e.g. Goodwin, 2003; Petruzzello et al., 1991). One study suggests exercise frequency, instead of previous history is most important to reduce anxiety and that the more anxious exercisers benefit most (Wilson et al., 1981). Impressively, exercise has similar effectiveness to traditional anxiety management approaches (Ryan...
638 Words 1 Page

Neuroscience To Better Understanding Cognition, Psychological Disorders, And Social Behaviour

The interaction between artificial intelligence and cognitive neuroscience to better understanding cognition, psychological disorders, and social behaviour The progression of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has developed rapidly in recent years in the domain of smartphones, medicine, robotics, and with progression, many more. The movement of computers saw the budding interaction between neuroscience, psychology, and AI (Hassabis...
2944 Words 6 Pages

Causes Of Depression And Ways To Treat It

At some point in our lives, we experience emptiness and sadness. We feel sorrow and heartaches. However, when these feelings progress and negatively affect our way of thinking and doing things, it becomes depression. Depression can also be a persistent feeling of low mood that can lead to someone hurting himself/herself and can have emotional...
976 Words 2 Pages

The Abnormal Reality That Is Schizophrenia

Individuals who suffer from schizophrenia know that coping with this disorder is not easy by any means. The effects of this illness are severe and can be extremely debilitating. It impairs your ability to think, your sense of reality, and how you function in your day-to-day life (“Schizophrenia – Symptoms and Causes”). These merciless effects...
813 Words 2 Pages

The Connection Of Loneliness And Depression

Loneliness goes hand in hand with depression, a mental illness that causes a person’s brain to function differently than the average person. Thousands of people face loneliness and depression within their daily lives and are forced to cope with them and learn how to manage their emotions. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein portrays an excellent example of...
1437 Words 3 Pages

The Life With Diagnosis Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that is not talked about enough in today’s society. Barely anyone knows about the procedures to help them or even what the illness does. Schizophrenia is an illness that makes your contemplations “off”. This means there is a constant disruption throughout your life, the way you feel, act and think....
733 Words 2 Pages

Occupational Stress In A Workspace

Stress to a normal extent increases workers’ performance and life quality since people have to face and enjoy challenges in day-to-day life but if excessive and beyond the beneficial aspect, it imposes harm on an individual as well as organizations. It will lead to complications that can be physiological (such as hypertension, heart diseases), behavioral...
736 Words 2 Pages

Symptoms And Treatment Of Depression

Growing up in Ghana, I had never heard of the word “depression” or what it meant, and mind you, I was at the age of nineteen when I left Ghana, old enough to have known what it was. I guess because it wasn’t much talked about and most likely because of how we were raised...
732 Words 2 Pages

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder In Nurses

It is estimated that up to 14 percent of the overall general nursing population experience symptoms that meet the criteria to be diagnosed with PTSD, which is 4 times higher than the general adult population(Hood,2019) Recent articles and statistics have shown that post traumatic stress disorder is plaguing working and retired nurses all over the...

Epidemic Of Depression In The USA

Millions of people in the U.S suffer from case depression. This is mind-blowing, one in every fifteen individuals is proven to be depressed Holden is clearly one of those people. Depression may results in death however it can also be preventable. Nerve-racking events and prescribed drugs are some causes of depression psychologically. Nerve-racking events are...
582 Words 1 Page
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