Essays on Mental Health

Analytical Essay on Health Psychology: Issue of Alcohol Abuse

According to The World Health Organization (WHO, 2020) health is “A state of complete physical, mental and social-wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease and infirmary”. Prior to this statement, in the early 19th century, the Biomedical Model was arguably the most prominent and accepted approach to health. The Biomedical Model heavily discusses biological...
1902 Words 4 Pages

Evaluation of Medical and Trauma Emergencies: The Role of Paramedic

This report will examine also evaluate medical and trauma emergencies in which the public services may be faced during their line of duty lastly the report will evaluate the ethical, moral, and legal limitations in providing treatment to individuals in society. Following this, the pre hospital care covers a range of medical conditions also medical...
1588 Words 3 Pages

Pharmacogenetics of Depression in the Mexican-American Population

Introduction Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a severe and incapacitating disease characterized by at least one of the following referring to depressed mood or loss of interest, motivation, or pleasure [1][2]. For diagnosis, these symptoms must be accompanied by at least four of several additional symptoms related to appetite, sleep, pain, or lack of energy,...
1555 Words 3 Pages

Types And Consequences Of Abuse

Abuse is not always reported and there are many reasons as to why someone might not report it for example fear the victim might be scared of what’s going to happen to them if the abuser finds out they might suffer even more or in worst cases they might begin to threat those around them,...
1174 Words 3 Pages

Relationship Abuse: Causes And Victims

Domestic Abuse: Dating abuse The topic of the essay is relationship abuse also known as domestic abuse. The definition is a pattern of coercive, controlling behavior that is a pervasive life-threatening crime affecting people in all our communities regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, social standing, and immigration status (Wikipedia). Statistics say...
1715 Words 4 Pages

Body Image: Media Influence and Eating Disorders

Body Image Body image is a cognitive representation that an individual creates that may or may not have any relation to how others actually perceive the way they see that individual (Slade, 1994). It encompasses what someone believes about their own appearance whether its memories, assumptions, or generalizations, including height, shape, weight, and even how...

Abuse Of Women In Third World Countries

The abuse of women in third world countries is a terrible and dreadful deed. What exactly is the abuse of women? Women abuse is not just domestic or physical; oppression, isolation, and discrimination are also forms of women abuse. According to the United Nations, 1.5 to 3 million girls and women die due to gender-based...
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