Essays on Mental Health

Role Of Radiographic Modalities In Detecting Child Abuse

Introduction: The radiographer will encounter many types of injuries one of them which is refers as (Non accidental trauma or sometimes called as child abuse. Many children especially children younger than the age of three will face this abuse. In addition, worldwide suffer from child abuse which can result from verbal, physical or sexual harm...
2126 Words 5 Pages

Causes Of Eating Disorder And Dietary Issues

Disarranged eating or eating disorder is common in our way of life often it is also called intermittent consumption. It can shift in weight from mellow to crazy. Square dietary problem assesses a variety of conditions as well as sensitivity to food use, weight, and appearance. This obsessive focus causes multiple problems in the everyday...
657 Words 1 Page

The Role Of Media Platforms In Creating Awareness On Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is termed as an unwanted sexual activity that is perpetrated without the consent of one party. In most case scenarios, the committers of this act use force or threats to molest their victims. It is established that sexual abuse is mostly committed by known individuals such as family members, friends or neighbors to...
1582 Words 3 Pages

Causes Of Binge Eating Disorder

Binge Eating Disorder (BEM), is a disorder that research has proposed to be a condition that stems from a culmination of factors, which two main ones involving a person’s biological makeup and their environmental upbringing. The disorder comes with behavior-altering symptoms that can affect an individual’s social life and school and job functioning. Recent developments...
1635 Words 4 Pages

Characteristics Of Language-based Learning Disability: Practice Report

According to the American Disability Act (ADA) (2019), a disability is defined as physical and/or mental impairment that limits the daily living of an individual and the performance of general activities. This include individuals with a diagnosed, recorded, and/or treated disability and those who do not have a disability but are considered as having a...
1366 Words 3 Pages

Domestic Abuse: The General Understanding Of Family Behaviors Affect Children

When examining domestic abuse all assortments of it prompted to one reason and that is to gain and accomplish control over the other individual. Abusers consistently utilize numerous strategies to to maintain power over there in either: dominance, humiliation, isolation, threats, intimidation, denial, and blame. Generally, when the subject of domestic violence is brought into...
2442 Words 5 Pages

Impact Of Sign Language In Overcoming By Learning Disability For The Children

Abstract The term ‘Special Education’ is the main focus in Educational policies of India for the past few decades. Different steps are taken for the upliftment of ‘Differently Abled’ children during these years. Earlier special schools, then Integrated Education, and very recently their educational needs are put forth as Inclusive Education. Even though integrated education...
1830 Words 4 Pages
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