Essays on Nokia

Strategic Change At Nokia

Brief Account on Nokia Situation In organizations, change is a significant form of business strategy with influence arising from the environment. During a time when global businesses aligned their interests based on the technological changes, Nokia lagged as its competitors Samsung and Apple explored the smartphone sector. Basing its past success on how it has...
2437 Words 5 Pages

Nokia Corporation: Leadership And Management

Nokia Corporation  Introduction Nokia had been known for its strategic agility, but the rise of the iPhone led to the fall of Nokia. There was no coordination between the top and the middle managers who were afraid of losing their status from the company. Some of the primary factors that contributed to the fall of...
1946 Words 4 Pages

Background On Nokia

The purpose of this project is to develop a marketing strategy that seeks to promote Nokia expanding their product offerings to include tablets with an android operating system. The company was started 1865 as a paper mill operation, then begun focusing mainly on the telecommunications industry in the 1990’s. Nokia’s current strategy is to focus...
2625 Words 6 Pages
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