Essays on Nursing Care Plan

Nursing Care Plan: Implement And Monitor Care Of The Older Person

Implement and monitor the care of the older person 1) Mr. John Woods was diagnosed with hypertension thirteen years ago and suffered a myocardial infarction eight years ago. He was also diagnosed with anxiety and depression two years ago and has more recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s dementia and urinary urgency incontinence, for less than...
1833 Words 4 Pages

Nursing Care Plan For Ms. Taylor, An 85-year-old Woman

Ms. Taylor, an 85-year-old women who lives in a religious care home and used do most activities of daily living my herself was transitioned to a palliative approach after a fall. Her health history includes being diagnosed with Parkinson’s, aplastic anemia, postural hypotension, and depression. In mid-October Ms. Taylor had a fall while in the...
1816 Words 4 Pages
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