Essays on Pakistan

Landscape Painting In Pakistan

Introduction: Landscape painting is a visual art genre which represents a view of countryside. It include natural scenery such as mountains, trees, rivers and forests etc. this genre has a huge history. Landscape painting was introduced as a genre for the first time in Chinese art by the 4th century. Before this Greeks and Romans...
2950 Words 6 Pages

Security Perceptions In Pakistan And Iran: Comparative Essay

Pakistan’s political and key noteworthiness for Iran started with its development as a free state taking after the parcel of sub-continent in 1947. Iran was the first to stretch out an acknowledgement to the new State. It set up discretionary relations with Pakistan in May 1948, and Pakistan’s Leader Liaqat Ali Khan went to Iran...

General Overview Of Karachi In Pakistan

Introduction Karachi is located on the coastline of Sindy province in Southern Pakistan, along a natural harbour on the Arabian Sea. This megacity is made up of 15,741,406 people throughout its 18 towns. Due to its population growth 40% of residents rely on public transport, but with 45 residents competing for one bus seat, travel...
1094 Words 2 Pages

Conservation Measures Taken By Diverse Agencies In Pakistan

Conservation measures are being taken by diverse agencies in Pakistan. There are diverse natural world parks, wetlands, sanctuaries and game reserves. One of the most energetic factors within the continuance of the atmosphere is flora and fauna and it has thrown in a primary deal to the lifestyles and adulthood of early mankind. It is...
2207 Words 5 Pages

Religion Contribution To The Current Collapse Of The Pakistan State

Introduction Religion was one of the main factors that led to the current and historical political chaos and violence in Pakistan . . During the establishment of Pakistan, Muslims and Hindus were expected to live together as good neighbours (Jalal, 2014). On the contrary, thist led to the collapse of the Pakistani state as religious...
2040 Words 4 Pages
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