Essays on Poems

Stylistic Devices In The Raven

Poetry is a huge cog in today’s literary world. Poetry is used to express any feeling the poet could possibly think to portray. Language is huge in poetry and without proper use of it a poem may not be as strong as others. Poetry is a form of art, and a poet uses language as...
1229 Words 3 Pages

The Odyssey’s Three Main Themes

“But the great leveler, Death: not even the gods can defend a man, not even one they love, that day when fate takes hold and lays him out at last.” (Homer, and Robert Fitzgerald. The Odyssey. Harvill P., 1996. book 3) this quote alone shows one of the many themes throughout the odyssey. Fate, loyalty...
584 Words 1 Page

Ballad Of Birmingham: Stylistic Devices In A Poem

The Ballad of Birmingham revolves around a little girl who would want to travel downtown to be part of a freedom protest. She cannot go because her mother does not let because of the dangerous conditions outside. Her mother instead tells her to go to church regardless of the little girl explaining that she would...
633 Words 1 Page

Macbeth: Power Of Lady Macbeth

Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a construct to explore the effects of power in a women’s hand as a threatening and disastrous force which is a consequence of her ambition deep rooted with desires in order for her to gain a higher rank in the patriarchy. Lady Macbeth’s unorthodox ambition has been present since her...
863 Words 2 Pages

Beowulf: An Epic Poem About Courage

An “epic poem” often features long journeys, battles with terrifying fiends, and heroes who display true cunning and bravery when faced with numerous trials. In Beowulf (translated by Seamus Heaney), the titular character is widely considered to be an excellent example of the quintessential epic hero; he outsmarts and kills Grendel (Heaney 661-835), dividing his...
796 Words 2 Pages

The Theme Of Power In Macbeth

This essay is about how Shakespeare explores the theme of power throughout the play. Macbeth is portrayed as ambitious yet vulnerable because he couldn’t keep his drive for power in control. As a result, it ultimately leads to his family’s and his own death. Macbeth’s ambitions cause him to lose his conscience and we know...
548 Words 1 Page
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