Essays on Psychology

Young Mums As A Role Models

The typical ‘teen mum’: irresponsible, a bad mum, a secondary school dropout and living in poverty. They are portrayed to public in the media as careless and incapable mothers, but do we really think beyond the snap judgements about the influence that these young mums have on young girls in the UK? With television programmes...
1224 Words 3 Pages

Teachers: Mentors, Guidance Counselors, & Role Models

Abstract Teaching is more than lecturing knowledge or giving assignments. They are considered role models, counsellors, and mentors for their students. People interpret what a teacher and school should look like in many different ways. This paper will discuss a couple of philosophies and the way a classroom and school should be designed. It should...
1940 Words 4 Pages

The First Truth Of Cognitive Development

The first of the sixth truths is that cognitive development proceeds as a result of dynamic and reciprocal transaction of internal and external factors (Bjorklund, D., & Causey, K. 2018). This is the nature and nurture debate on if internal factors (nature) or external factors (nurture) influence development. Many things, not only in our textbook...
934 Words 2 Pages

Implementation Of Classical Conditioning In A Classroom

Every man is a philosopher, however, a good philosopher invents and justify his own theory. According to Michaud (2015), It is hard to justify the importance of philosophy for educators when philosophers cannot seem to justify effectively the importance of philosophy for students” (p. 74). Moreover, classical conditioning is a theory produced by Ivan Pavlov....
914 Words 2 Pages

Book Review: “Emotional Intelligence” By Daniel Goleman

I think that what has led me towards reading this book, besides the assignment that we have had, was the fact that I consider myself a colder person, not really used to responding to emotions. To say more, the title itself seemed really catchy, as I had not yet thought about a combination between intelligence,...
1240 Words 3 Pages

Emotional Intelligence: Daniel Goldman's Book Review

Emotional Intelligence is a very psychological book, focused on the human brain that. I have started to read hoping that I will be learning more about humans as a species and about the way we function on daily basis. The main topics of the book were the way we perceive the world around us, the...
667 Words 1 Page

Procrastination: Meaning And Main Causes

Procrastination is described as a non-rational tendency to delay tasks that must be finished (Lay, 1986). Everyone puts things off sometimes, but procrastinators keep avoiding continuously and keep searching for distractions. We all make similar situations every now and then. Like that time when you didn’t sleep the whole night just to finish the research...
1363 Words 3 Pages

Morality Does Not Require Vegetarianism

There has been a great debate about the relationship between vegetarianism and morality. While the arguments against eating meat are quite convincing, there were only a few researches to justify the morality of consuming animal product. However, I believe that morality does not require vegetarianism since it is not the only choice to live life...
1237 Words 3 Pages

Attachment Theory And Intimate Partner Violence

Humans are social creatures. We have all heard this statement at some point throughout our years in school: may it be from your primary school teacher encouraging you to go around the room and befriend kids in your class; your world history teacher from sixth grade teaching you about how civilization was first established several...
996 Words 2 Pages
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