Essays on Rain

Rainfall Prediction Analysis Using Fuzzy Time Series In Nagapattinam

Abstract Rainfall is caused by a variety of meteorological conditions and the mathematical model for it is nonlinear. Forecasting is the process of predicting future outcomes, by which decision makers analyse the related data and graphs to decide and take the best decisions for the future. Multiple methods have been proposed to forecast the rainfall...
1676 Words 4 Pages

General Overview Of Rainfall Pattern In East Africa

Rainfall is a renewable resource, highly variable in space and time and subject to depletion or enhancement due to both natural and anthropogenic causes. Therefore, knowing the variations in the general rainfall pattern is valid to understand the climate change variations. Rainfall occupies an important position in the climatic studies of any region as it’s...
476 Words 1 Page

Rainfall Prediction Using Mixture Neural Network: A Study

Abstract: A novel rainfall prediction method has been proposed. In the present work rainfall prediction in southern part of west Bengal (India) has been conducted. A two-step method has been employed. Greedy forward selection algorithm is used to reduce the feature set and to find the most promising features for rainfall prediction.first, in the training...
2302 Words 5 Pages

Singapore: Climate, Weather And Rainfall

Singapore – Weather Singapore is a Southeast Asian island country located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula between Malaysia and Indonesia and separated from the mainland by the Johor Strait. Owing to its proximity to the equator, Singapore is blessed with a tropical climate around the year. Since it is located closely to...
2126 Words 5 Pages
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